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feat: create OptionIcons class, update options config and styles
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yadamskaya committed Jun 13, 2023
1 parent cded8a1 commit f906155
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Showing 6 changed files with 87 additions and 26 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/plugins/header/header.less
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
margin-left: 0.6rem;
border: none;
cursor: pointer;
background: transparent center no-repeat url("data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg xmlns='' width='24' height='24' fill='none' stroke='%235f5f5f' stroke-width='1.25'><rect width='12' height='15' x='4' y='3' fill='%23fff' rx='2'/><rect width='12' height='15' x='8' y='7' fill='%23fff' rx='2'/></svg>");
background: transparent center no-repeat url("data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg xmlns='' fill='none' stroke='%235f5f5f' stroke-width='1.25'><rect width='12' height='15' x='4' y='3' fill='%23fff' rx='2'/><rect width='12' height='15' x='8' y='7' fill='%23fff' rx='2'/></svg>");

@media @mobile {
Expand Down
42 changes: 42 additions & 0 deletions src/plugins/header/options/OptionIcons.tsx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
import React from 'jsx-dom';
* Base class for icons
export class UIPOptionIcons {
/** Default svg for theme icons */
public static themeSVG: HTMLElement = (
<svg xmlns="" stroke="#4e4e4e" stroke-width="1.25" fill="none">
<path xmlns="" d="M2.25 8.5 C 5 17.5, 18.5 17.5, 21.25 8.5" transform="rotate(45,12.5,12.5)" stroke-linecap="round"/>
<path xmlns="" d="M2.25 8.5 C -1 26, 24.75 26, 21.25 8.5" transform="rotate(45,12.5,12.5)" stroke-linecap="round"/>
<svg xmlns="" fill="none">
{/* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */}
<path fill="#5F5F5F" d="M12.445.302a.682.682 0 0 0-.072.018.581.581 0 0 0-.453.58v3.48a.583.583 0 0 0 .287.51.586.586 0 0 0 .585 0 .583.583 0 0 0 .288-.51V.9a.58.58 0 0 0-.634-.598ZM4.18 3.709a.576.576 0 0 0-.453.408.583.583 0 0 0 .163.59L6.355 7.17c.14.172.365.252.583.202a.583.583 0 0 0 .435-.435.583.583 0 0 0-.202-.582L4.706 3.89a.582.582 0 0 0-.471-.182H4.18Zm16.458 0a.583.583 0 0 0-.344.182l-2.465 2.465a.583.583 0 0 0-.202.582c. 0 0 0-.471-.997ZM12.445 6.7l-.054.018a.606.606 0 0 0-.109.018l-.018.018C9.187 6.886 6.7 9.392 6.7 12.5c0 3.192 2.608 5.8 5.8 5.8 3.192 0 5.8-2.608 5.8-5.8 0-3.097-2.468-5.594-5.528-5.746-.02 0-.034-.018-.055-.018a.561.561 0 0 0-.18-.036h-.092Zm.019 1.16h.09a4.64 4.64 0 1 1-.09 0ZM.737 11.92A.587.587 0 0 0 .9 13.08h3.48a.583.583 0 0 0 .51-.288.586.586 0 0 0 0-.584.583.583 0 0 0-.51-.288H.737Zm19.72 0a.587.587 0 0 0 .163 1.16h3.48a.584.584 0 0 0 .51-.288.586.586 0 0 0 0-.584.584.584 0 0 0-.51-.288h-3.643ZM6.7 17.648a.583.583 0 0 0-.345.18L3.89 20.295a.583.583 0 0 0-.201.582c. 0 0 0-.417-.996H6.7Zm11.419 0a.576.576 0 0 0-.454.407.583.583 0 0 0 .164.59l2.465 2.464a.582.582 0 0 0 1.017-.233.583.583 0 0 0-.202-.582l-2.465-2.465a.58.58 0 0 0-.417-.181h-.108Zm-5.674 2.374a.674.674 0 0 0-.072.018.581.581 0 0 0-.453.58v3.48a.584.584 0 0 0 .287.51.586.586 0 0 0 .585 0 .584.584 0 0 0 .288-.51v-3.48a.58.58 0 0 0-.634-.598Z"/>
</>) as HTMLElement;

/** Default svg for rtl direction icon */
public static rtlDirectionSVG: HTMLElement = (
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 37 17" fill="#4e4e4e">
{/* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */}
<path fill="#4e4e4e" d="M0.716797 0.545898H5.89453C7.06901 0.545898 8.06087 0.724935 8.87012 1.08301C9.68652 1.44108 10.306 1.97103 10.7285 2.67285C11.1582 3.36751 11.373 4.22331 11.373 5.24023C11.373 5.95638 11.2262 6.61165 10.9326 7.20605C10.6462 7.79329 10.2308 8.2946 9.68652 8.70996C9.14941 9.11816 8.50488 9.42253 7.75293 9.62305L7.17285 9.84863H2.30664L2.28516 8.16211H5.95898C6.70378 8.16211 7.32324 8.0332 7.81738 7.77539C8.31152 7.51042 8.68392 7.15592 8.93457 6.71191C9.18522 6.2679 9.31055 5.77734 9.31055 5.24023C9.31055 4.63867 9.19238 4.1123 8.95605 3.66113C8.71973 3.20996 8.34733 2.86263 7.83887 2.61914C7.33757 2.36849 6.68945 2.24316 5.89453 2.24316H2.79004V16.1865H0.716797V0.545898ZM9.8584 16.1865L6.05566 9.09668L8.21484 9.08594L12.0713 16.0576V16.1865H9.8584ZM19.1934 0.545898V16.1865H17.1523V0.545898H19.1934ZM24.2207 0.545898V2.24316H12.1357V0.545898H24.2207ZM36.0264 14.5V16.1865H28.2061V14.5H36.0264ZM28.6143 0.545898V16.1865H26.541V0.545898H28.6143Z"/>
) as HTMLElement;

/** Default svg for collapsed settings icon */
public static settingsCollapsedSVG: HTMLElement = (
<svg xmlns="" fill="#1f1f1f" stroke="#1f1f1f" stroke-width=".5">
{/* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */}
<path d="m13.302.632.645 2.424.099.358.382.1a9.53 9.53 0 0 1 4.21 2.269l.278.263.382-.102 2.551-.684 1.305 2.115-1.915 1.734-. 1.53.326 2.273 0 .743-.108 1.507-.326 2.273l-.105.359.288.26 1.915 1.733-1.305 2.115-2.55-.684-.383-.102-.277.263a9.53 9.53 0 0 1-4.21 2.27l-.383.099-.099.358-.645 2.424h-2.604l-.645-2.424-.099-.358-.382-.1a9.53 9.53 0 0 1-4.21-2.269l-.278-.263-.382.102-2.551.684-1.305-2.115 1.915-1.734.288-.26-.105-.358A8.326 8.326 0 0 1 2.618 12c0-.743.108-1.507.326-2.273l.105-.359-.288-.26L.846 7.376 2.15 5.26l2.55.684.383.102.277-.263a9.53 9.53 0 0 1 4.21-2.27l.383-.099.099-.358.645-2.424h2.604ZM12 17.345c3.144 0 5.702-2.398 5.702-5.345 0-2.947-2.558-5.345-5.702-5.345S6.298 9.053 6.298 12c0 2.947 2.558 5.345 5.702 5.345ZM13.828 0h-3.656l-.776 2.901c-1.73.435-3.28 1.28-4.512 2.435l-3.056-.82L0 7.484l2.295 2.079A8.901 8.901 0 0 0 1.944 12c0 .845.126 1.658.35 2.438L0 16.515l1.828 2.968 3.056-.82c1.232 1.155 2.783 2 4.512 2.435L10.172 24h3.656l.776-2.901a10.23 10.23 0 0 0 4.512-2.434l3.056.819L24 16.516l-2.295-2.078c.221-.78.351-1.593.351-2.438 0-.842-.126-1.658-.35-2.434L24 7.486l-1.828-2.97-3.056.82A10.292 10.292 0 0 0 14.604 2.9L13.828 0ZM12 16.714c-2.775 0-5.028-2.112-5.028-4.714 0-2.602 2.253-4.714 5.028-4.714 2.775 0 5.028 2.112 5.028 4.714 0 2.602-2.253 4.714-5.028 4.714Z"/>
) as HTMLElement;

/** Default svg for collapsed editor icon */
public static editorCollapsedSVG: HTMLElement = (
<svg xmlns="" fill="#1f1f1f" viewBox="0 0 34 20">
{/* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */}
<path d="m3.094 10.453 7.336 2.965v2.297L.844 11.273v-1.71l9.586-4.43V7.43l-7.336 3.023Zm11.191 9.012h-1.863L19.547.938h1.851l-7.113 18.527Zm17.133-9.082-7.746-3.035V5.12l10.008 4.43v1.71l-10.008 4.442v-2.25l7.746-3.07Z"/>
) as HTMLElement;
46 changes: 28 additions & 18 deletions src/plugins/header/options/option/option.less
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,38 +1,48 @@
uip-option {
display: block;
display: flex;
width: 1.5rem;
height: 1.5rem;
margin-left: 0.6rem;
background-position: center;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
cursor: pointer;

each(@option-icons, {
&.@{key}-option {
background-image: extract(@value, 1);
&.dark-theme-option {
svg {
width: 1.5rem;
height: 1.5rem;

svg:last-child {
display: none;

&.active {
background-image: extract(@value, 2);
&.active {
svg:first-child {
display: none;

svg:last-child {
display: block;

&.rtl-direction-option {
width: 2.5rem;

&.settings-collapsed-option {
&.active svg {
fill: #5f5f5f;
stroke: #5f5f5f;

&.editor-collapsed-option {
width: 2rem;
&.active svg {
fill: #5f5f5f;

@option-icons: {
dark-theme: url("data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg xmlns='' width='24' height='24' stroke='%234e4e4e' stroke-width='1.25' fill='none'><path xmlns='' d='M2.25 8.5 C 5 17.5, 18.5 17.5, 21.25 8.5' transform='rotate(45,12.5,12.5)' stroke-linecap='round'/><path xmlns='' d='M2.25 8.5 C -1 26, 24.75 26, 21.25 8.5' transform='rotate(45,12.5,12.5)' stroke-linecap='round'/></svg>"),
url("data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg xmlns='' width='25' height='25' fill='none'><path fill='%235F5F5F' d='M12.445.302a.682.682 0 0 0-.072.018.581.581 0 0 0-.453.58v3.48a.583.583 0 0 0 .287.51.586.586 0 0 0 .585 0 .583.583 0 0 0 .288-.51V.9a.58.58 0 0 0-.634-.598ZM4.18 3.709a.576.576 0 0 0-.453.408.583.583 0 0 0 .163.59L6.355 7.17c.14.172.365.252.583.202a.583.583 0 0 0 .435-.435.583.583 0 0 0-.202-.582L4.706 3.89a.582.582 0 0 0-.471-.182H4.18Zm16.458 0a.583.583 0 0 0-.344.182l-2.465 2.465a.583.583 0 0 0-.202.582c. 0 0 0-.471-.997ZM12.445 6.7l-.054.018a.606.606 0 0 0-.109.018l-.018.018C9.187 6.886 6.7 9.392 6.7 12.5c0 3.192 2.608 5.8 5.8 5.8 3.192 0 5.8-2.608 5.8-5.8 0-3.097-2.468-5.594-5.528-5.746-.02 0-.034-.018-.055-.018a.561.561 0 0 0-.18-.036h-.092Zm.019 1.16h.09a4.64 4.64 0 1 1-.09 0ZM.737 11.92A.587.587 0 0 0 .9 13.08h3.48a.583.583 0 0 0 .51-.288.586.586 0 0 0 0-.584.583.583 0 0 0-.51-.288H.737Zm19.72 0a.587.587 0 0 0 .163 1.16h3.48a.584.584 0 0 0 .51-.288.586.586 0 0 0 0-.584.584.584 0 0 0-.51-.288h-3.643ZM6.7 17.648a.583.583 0 0 0-.345.18L3.89 20.295a.583.583 0 0 0-.201.582c. 0 0 0-.417-.996H6.7Zm11.419 0a.576.576 0 0 0-.454.407.583.583 0 0 0 .164.59l2.465 2.464a.582.582 0 0 0 1.017-.233.583.583 0 0 0-.202-.582l-2.465-2.465a.58.58 0 0 0-.417-.181h-.108Zm-5.674 2.374a.674.674 0 0 0-.072.018.581.581 0 0 0-.453.58v3.48a.584.584 0 0 0 .287.51.586.586 0 0 0 .585 0 .584.584 0 0 0 .288-.51v-3.48a.58.58 0 0 0-.634-.598Z'/></svg>");
rtl-direction: url("data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg xmlns='' width='37' height='17' stroke='%234e4e4e'><path fill='%234e4e4e' d='M6.453 9.86H2.78v6.326H.706V.546h5.178c1.762 0 3.115.4 4.06 1.203.953.802 1.429 1.97 1.429 3.502 0 .974-.265 1.823-.795 2.546-.523.723-1.253 1.264-2.191 1.622l3.673 6.639v.128H9.848L6.453 9.86ZM2.78 8.172h3.17c1.023 0 1.836-.265 2.438-.795.608-.53.913-1.239.913-2.127 0-.967-.29-1.708-.87-2.224-.573-.515-1.404-.777-2.492-.784h-3.16v5.93Zm21.442-5.93h-5.028v13.943h-2.051V2.243h-5.017V.546h12.096v1.697ZM28.614 14.5h7.412v1.686h-9.485V.546h2.073V14.5Z'/></svg>"),
url("data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg xmlns='' width='37' height='17' stroke='%236F6F6F'><path fill='%236F6F6F' d='M6.453 9.86H2.78v6.326H.706V.546h5.178c1.762 0 3.115.4 4.06 1.203.953.802 1.429 1.97 1.429 3.502 0 .974-.265 1.823-.795 2.546-.523.723-1.253 1.264-2.191 1.622l3.673 6.639v.128H9.848L6.453 9.86ZM2.78 8.172h3.17c1.023 0 1.836-.265 2.438-.795.608-.53.913-1.239.913-2.127 0-.967-.29-1.708-.87-2.224-.573-.515-1.404-.777-2.492-.784h-3.16v5.93Zm21.442-5.93h-5.028v13.943h-2.051V2.243h-5.017V.546h12.096v1.697ZM28.614 14.5h7.412v1.686h-9.485V.546h2.073V14.5Z'/></svg>");
settings-collapsed: url("data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg xmlns='' width='24' height='24' fill='%231f1f1f' stroke='%231f1f1f' stroke-width='.5'><path d='m13.302.632.645 2.424.099.358.382.1a9.53 9.53 0 0 1 4.21 2.269l.278.263.382-.102 2.551-.684 1.305 2.115-1.915 1.734-. 1.53.326 2.273 0 .743-.108 1.507-.326 2.273l-.105.359.288.26 1.915 1.733-1.305 2.115-2.55-.684-.383-.102-.277.263a9.53 9.53 0 0 1-4.21 2.27l-.383.099-.099.358-.645 2.424h-2.604l-.645-2.424-.099-.358-.382-.1a9.53 9.53 0 0 1-4.21-2.269l-.278-.263-.382.102-2.551.684-1.305-2.115 1.915-1.734.288-.26-.105-.358A8.326 8.326 0 0 1 2.618 12c0-.743.108-1.507.326-2.273l.105-.359-.288-.26L.846 7.376 2.15 5.26l2.55.684.383.102.277-.263a9.53 9.53 0 0 1 4.21-2.27l.383-.099.099-.358.645-2.424h2.604ZM12 17.345c3.144 0 5.702-2.398 5.702-5.345 0-2.947-2.558-5.345-5.702-5.345S6.298 9.053 6.298 12c0 2.947 2.558 5.345 5.702 5.345ZM13.828 0h-3.656l-.776 2.901c-1.73.435-3.28 1.28-4.512 2.435l-3.056-.82L0 7.484l2.295 2.079A8.901 8.901 0 0 0 1.944 12c0 .845.126 1.658.35 2.438L0 16.515l1.828 2.968 3.056-.82c1.232 1.155 2.783 2 4.512 2.435L10.172 24h3.656l.776-2.901a10.23 10.23 0 0 0 4.512-2.434l3.056.819L24 16.516l-2.295-2.078c.221-.78.351-1.593.351-2.438 0-.842-.126-1.658-.35-2.434L24 7.486l-1.828-2.97-3.056.82A10.292 10.292 0 0 0 14.604 2.9L13.828 0ZM12 16.714c-2.775 0-5.028-2.112-5.028-4.714 0-2.602 2.253-4.714 5.028-4.714 2.775 0 5.028 2.112 5.028 4.714 0 2.602-2.253 4.714-5.028 4.714Z'/></svg>"),
url("data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg xmlns='' width='24' height='24' fill='%235f5f5f' stroke='%235f5f5f' stroke-width='.5'><path d='m13.302.632.645 2.424.099.358.382.1a9.53 9.53 0 0 1 4.21 2.269l.278.263.382-.102 2.551-.684 1.305 2.115-1.915 1.734-. 1.53.326 2.273 0 .743-.108 1.507-.326 2.273l-.105.359.288.26 1.915 1.733-1.305 2.115-2.55-.684-.383-.102-.277.263a9.53 9.53 0 0 1-4.21 2.27l-.383.099-.099.358-.645 2.424h-2.604l-.645-2.424-.099-.358-.382-.1a9.53 9.53 0 0 1-4.21-2.269l-.278-.263-.382.102-2.551.684-1.305-2.115 1.915-1.734.288-.26-.105-.358A8.326 8.326 0 0 1 2.618 12c0-.743.108-1.507.326-2.273l.105-.359-.288-.26L.846 7.376 2.15 5.26l2.55.684.383.102.277-.263a9.53 9.53 0 0 1 4.21-2.27l.383-.099.099-.358.645-2.424h2.604ZM12 17.345c3.144 0 5.702-2.398 5.702-5.345 0-2.947-2.558-5.345-5.702-5.345S6.298 9.053 6.298 12c0 2.947 2.558 5.345 5.702 5.345ZM13.828 0h-3.656l-.776 2.901c-1.73.435-3.28 1.28-4.512 2.435l-3.056-.82L0 7.484l2.295 2.079A8.901 8.901 0 0 0 1.944 12c0 .845.126 1.658.35 2.438L0 16.515l1.828 2.968 3.056-.82c1.232 1.155 2.783 2 4.512 2.435L10.172 24h3.656l.776-2.901a10.23 10.23 0 0 0 4.512-2.434l3.056.819L24 16.516l-2.295-2.078c.221-.78.351-1.593.351-2.438 0-.842-.126-1.658-.35-2.434L24 7.486l-1.828-2.97-3.056.82A10.292 10.292 0 0 0 14.604 2.9L13.828 0ZM12 16.714c-2.775 0-5.028-2.112-5.028-4.714 0-2.602 2.253-4.714 5.028-4.714 2.775 0 5.028 2.112 5.028 4.714 0 2.602-2.253 4.714-5.028 4.714Z'/></svg>");
editor-collapsed: url("data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg fill='%231f1f1f' xmlns='' viewBox='0 0 34 20'><path d='m3.094 10.453 7.336 2.965v2.297L.844 11.273v-1.71l9.586-4.43V7.43l-7.336 3.023Zm11.191 9.012h-1.863L19.547.938h1.851l-7.113 18.527Zm17.133-9.082-7.746-3.035V5.12l10.008 4.43v1.71l-10.008 4.442v-2.25l7.746-3.07Z'/></svg>"),
url("data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg fill='%235f5f5f' xmlns='' viewBox='0 0 34 20'><path d='m3.094 10.453 7.336 2.965v2.297L.844 11.273v-1.71l9.586-4.43V7.43l-7.336 3.023Zm11.191 9.012h-1.863L19.547.938h1.851l-7.113 18.527Zm17.133-9.082-7.746-3.035V5.12l10.008 4.43v1.71l-10.008 4.442v-2.25l7.746-3.07Z'/></svg>");
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/plugins/header/options/option/option.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ export type OptionConfig = {
optionValue: string;
/** Callback to indicate if option should be rendered */
canActivate?: (scope: UIPOptions) => boolean;
svg: HTMLElement;

/** Custom element to toggle {@link UIPRoot} attributes */
Expand All @@ -31,6 +32,7 @@ export class UIPOption extends ESLBaseElement {
static createEl(optionConfig: OptionConfig): UIPOption {
const option = document.createElement('uip-option') as UIPOption;
option.setAttribute('attribute', optionConfig.optionValue);
option.config = optionConfig;
return option;
Expand Down
18 changes: 12 additions & 6 deletions src/plugins/header/options/options.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ import {listen} from '@exadel/esl/modules/esl-utils/decorators/listen';

import {UIPPlugin} from '../../../core/base/plugin';
import {OptionConfig, UIPOption} from './option/option';
import {UIPOptionIcons} from './OptionIcons';

* Options {@link UIPPlugin} custom element definition
Expand All @@ -20,24 +21,28 @@ export class UIPOptions extends UIPPlugin {
attrName: 'hide-theme',
optionValue: 'dark-theme',
canActivate: (component) => !component.hasAttribute('hide-theme')
canActivate: (component) => !component.hasAttribute('hide-theme'),
svg: UIPOptionIcons.themeSVG
attrName: 'hide-direction',
optionValue: 'rtl-direction',
canActivate: (component) => !component.hasAttribute('hide-direction')
canActivate: (component) => !component.hasAttribute('hide-direction'),
svg: UIPOptionIcons.rtlDirectionSVG
attrName: 'hide-settings',
optionValue: 'settings-collapsed',
canActivate: (component) => !component.hasAttribute('hide-settings') &&
svg: UIPOptionIcons.settingsCollapsedSVG
attrName: 'hide-editor',
optionValue: 'editor-collapsed',
canActivate: (component) => !component.hasAttribute('hide-editor') &&
svg: UIPOptionIcons.editorCollapsedSVG

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -90,9 +95,10 @@ export class UIPOptions extends UIPPlugin {
* Handles {@link UIPOption} `click` event
* to manage {@link UIPRoot} options attributes
@listen({event: 'click', selector: '.uip-option'})
@listen({event: 'click'})
protected _onOptionClick(e: Event) {
const option = as UIPOption;
const option = ( as HTMLElement).closest('uip-option') as UIPOption;

Expand Down
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion src/plugins/registration.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
import {UIPHeader} from './header/header';
import {UIPOptions} from './header/options/options';
import {UIPOptionIcons} from './header/options/OptionIcons';
import {UIPSnippets} from './header/snippets/snippets';
import {UIPEditor} from './editor/editor';
import {UIPSettings} from './settings/settings';
import {registeredSettings} from '../registration';

export {UIPOptions, UIPEditor, UIPSettings, UIPSnippets, UIPHeader};
export {UIPOptions, UIPOptionIcons, UIPEditor, UIPSettings, UIPSnippets, UIPHeader};

export const registerPlugins = () => {
Expand Down

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