This is a Puppet module that manages Yum repositories for Centos RedHat and Scientific Linux
Made by Alessandro Franceschi / Lab42
Inspired by the Yum Immerda module:
Official site:
Official git repository:
Released under the terms of Apache 2 License.
This module requires functions provided by the Example42 Puppi module.
Just leave the default options: Automatic detection of Operating System (RedHat, Centos, Scientific supported) Epel repo installation, keeping of local yum files, automatic updates disabled.
class { 'yum': }
Enable automatic updates via cron (updatesd is supported only on 5)
class { 'yum': update => 'cron', }
Purge local /etc/yum.repos.d/ and enforce its contents only via a custom source
class { 'yum': source_repo_dir => 'puppet:///modules/example42/yum/conf/', clean_repos => true, }
Enable EPEL and PuppetLabs repos
class { 'yum': extrarepo => [ 'epel' , 'puppetlabs' ], }
Do not include any extra repo (By default EPEL is added)
class { 'yum': extrarepo => '' , }
Automatically copy in /etc/pki/rpm-gpg all the rpm-gpg keys known by the yum module (this was the "old" and intrusive behaviour, now each rpm-gpg key may be individually provided by the yum::manages_repos' gpgkey_source parameter)
class { 'yum': install_all_keys => true , }
Include a selected extra repo
include yum::repo::puppetlabs
Enable auditing without without making changes on existing yum configuration files
class { 'yum': audit_only => true }
Use custom sources for main config file
class { 'yum': source => [ "puppet:///modules/lab42/yum/yum.conf-${hostname}" , "puppet:///modules/lab42/yum/yum.conf" ], }
Use custom source directory for the whole configuration dir
class { 'yum': source_dir => 'puppet:///modules/lab42/yum/conf/', source_dir_purge => false, # Set to true to purge any existing file not present in $source_dir }
Use custom template for main config file. Note that template and source arguments are alternative.
class { 'yum': template => 'example42/yum/yum.conf.erb', }
Automatically include a custom subclass
class { 'yum': my_class => 'yum::example42', }
Activate puppi (recommended, but disabled by default)
class { 'yum': puppi => true, }
Activate puppi and use a custom puppi_helper template (to be provided separately with a puppi::helper define ) to customize the output of puppi commands
class { 'yum': puppi => true, puppi_helper => 'myhelper', }
REDHAT 6 - Full
REDHAT 5 - Full
REDHAT 4 - Partial
CENTOS 6 - Full
CENTOS 5 - Full
CENTOS 4 - Partial
AMAZON LINUX 3 (Sigh) - Partial