Implementation of the exchange key protocol described in International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering.
Neural crypto avoids a Diffie-Hellman exchange key protocol from MITM attack.
A summary of the article is in "neural-crypto.pdf".
Require openSSL to encyrpt with AES cipher.
python -r hebbian -i <input file> -o <output file> -K <nb hidden neurons> -N <nb input neurons> -L <range of weight> -k <key length> -v <iv length>
r : update rules : 'hebbian', 'anti_hebbian' or 'random_walk' key length options : 128, 192, 256 iv length : [0:256] if inputfile is read, aes encryption is executed.
if inputfile option not set, use openSSL to encrypt file.
openssl enc -aes128 -K <key> -iv <init vector> -in <inputfile> -out <outputfile>
openssl enc -aes192 -K <key> -iv <init vector> -in <inputfile> -out <outputfile>
openssl enc -aes256 -K <key> -iv <init vector> -in <inputfile> -out <outputfile>
openssl enc -aes128 -K <key> -iv <init vector> -in <inputfile(enc)> -out <outputfile> -d
openssl enc -aes192 -K <key> -iv <init vector> -in <inputfile(enc)> -out <outputfile> -d
openssl enc -aes256 -K <key> -iv <init vector> -in <inputfile(enc)> -out <outputfile> -d
echo "hello world" > hello.txt
python -i hello.txt -k 256 -K 20 -N 50 -L 6
cat out.enc
cat decipher.txt