Serializing Sunspec Models for AWS IoT Device Shadow
This document explains how to serialize data from a sunspec-compliant battery energy storage system. This serialized data can then be sent over the internet (e.g. via MQTT) and interpreted by iot tools such as AWS Device Shadow.
❗ We're using "serialize" here to mean "json encode". It has nothing to do with a physical serial connection.
This repo depends on pysunspec. If you want to be able to run the examples you need all the submodules. Make sure to clone with the --recursive
git clone --recurse-submodules <repository url>
You can run these examples yourself, or build your own models in python. After you clone the repository:
make env
make server
will start a jupyter lab server with this package installed.
The audience for this document is software developers working on cloud systems, embedded system designers working on either the firmware or the IoT hardware, and electrical engineers who are familiar with modbus communications but may be less familiar with software. Because of the diverse audience, there may be parts or whole sections that seem to overexplain simple concepts.
Sunspec Modbus is an "open communication standard that specifies common parameters and settings for monitoring and controlling Distributed Energy Resource (DER) systems. SunSpec Modbus utilizes SunSpec Information Models".
But Modbus, even Modbus TCP, is not a good choice for an IoT platform. It lacks many features that are necessary for a scalable IoT solution such as
- security
- device management
- analytics
- interoperability with cloud services
To get these advantages we use the AWS IoT platform. One powerful feature is the device shadow. "Shadows can make a device’s state available to apps and other services whether the device is connected to AWS IoT or not."
Please see the system overview diagram.
The Shadow Sunspec is designed to be used to communicate the device state to the IoT Core device shadow service.
One goal of this specification is to stay as close as possible to the data organization in sunspec. The python implementation of sunspec is used as a reference. One thing we change is where the python implementation uses lists.
One goal of this specification is to avoid the use of any arrays (lists) in the serialized form of the data. This is due to how AWS device shadow updates handle arrays. An update will only change the values that are given. For large device shaodws this avoids having to resend the entire document.
For example, the shadow
"cells": {
"0": {
"soc": 99
"1": {
"soc": 98
could be updated with
"cells": {
"1": {
"soc": 97
and the result is
"cells": {
"0": {
"soc": 99
"1": {
"soc": 97
Everything in cells.0
is unchanged. Only cells.1
is changed.
However if the device shadow instead was
"cells": [
"id": 0,
"soc": 99
"id": 1,
"soc": 98
we would have to send the information in cells
because the entire value of the cells
is overwritten with each update. If this cells array were long and each entry had many points, this represents a lot of extra data.
Because a full sunspec implementation can describe a potentially large number of datapoints it is a design goal to minimize the amount of redundant data that must be sent.
Only serialize data the essential data. Do not include metadata or other static values in the serialization. For example, the full specification for cell voltage is
Address | Name | Type | Scale Factor | Units | RW Access | Mandatory | Static | Label | Description |
10 | V | uint16 | V_SF | V | M | Module Voltage | Voltage of the module. |
Of these values, none of them change over time. Only the actual value of the cell voltage changes. So there is no reason to include all this metadata in our serialization. It can be shortened to
{"V": 32}
In the case where the raw value of the modbus register reads 32. The rest of the metadata can be looked up as needed. This includes the scaling factor which is generally static.
The sunspec information model gives a description of how data in sunspec is organized (page 15). A device is composed of one or more models. Each model has one or more point groups. Each point group has one or more points. It is possible for a model to appear more than one time. For example, a battery bank (model 802) can have many battery strings (model 803). In this case, model 802 would be implemented once, and model 803 would be implemented once for each battery string.
❗ The above uses "string" in the battery sense of the word, and not the computer science datatype of a character sequece.
To mirror this format, serialize data using these rules
- the highest level data structure is a dictionary
- start with the keyword
- replace lists with a dictionary, where the keys are the list's index (see the example above).
- point groups can be either
. Differentiate them using those keywords. - The keyword for points is the point's Name.
- The value for points is the actual (unscaled) value stored in the modbus register.
- Enums should report their integer value.
"0": <Model>,
"1": <Model>,
A Model
is made up of one or more point groups. There will always be a fixed point group. There will then be zero or more repeating point groups. We can serialize a Model
"id": Model ID number,
"fixed": {
Point name: value,
Point name: value
"0": {
Point name: value,
Point name: value
"1": {
Point name: value,
Point name: value
Because of technical limitations with the shadow, we'll separate out the writable and read only points. The max size of a given named shadow is only 30k (and that's only if you ask AWS for an extension). Also the update chunk size is only 1k, and updating shadows is more expensive than publishing a normal MQTT message.
By keeping the writable points in the shadow we can still make use of the powerful state tracking and "desired" shadow features of the IOT Shadow, but only where they are needed.
This example covers a fictional energy storage system. In this example implementation we won't include all the points specified in the sunspec. We will try to include enough different data types so that this example could be expanded.
Sunspec defines the following levels of organizations for battery cells.
- Cell: A single energy or charge-storing unit
- Module: A single enclosed unit consisting of one or more cells
- String: One or more battery modules connected in series
- Bank: One or more battery strings usually connected in parallel
This simple example considers a battery bank that has 1 battery string. The string is made up of two battery modules, and each module has 3 battery cells.
├── string 1
│ ├── module 1-1
│ │ ├── cell 1-1-1
│ │ ├── cell 1-1-2
│ │ ├── cell 1-1-3
│ ├── module 1-2
│ │ ├── cell 1-2-1
│ │ ├── cell 1-2-2
│ │ ├── cell 1-2-3
These are the relevant sunspec models
Model ID | Model Name |
802 | Battery Base Model |
803 | Lithium-Ion Battery Bank Model |
804 | Lithium-Ion String Model |
805 | Lithium-Ion Module Model |
The cells are a repeating point group within the module model. For brevity sake we'll only cover a subset of the points.
In this case we only need model 802
to cover the whole bank, and we need one model 805
for each module. The other models are redundant and will not be included.
We'll consider a few read-only points. The telemetry model then becomes.
"0": {
"id": 802,
"fixed": {
"AHRtg": 100,
"SoC": 97,
"ChaSt": 3,
"ReqW": -300
"1": {
"id": 805,
"fixed": {
"StrIdx": 1,
"ModIdx": 1,
"SoC": 98,
"NCell": 3,
"SN": "ABC123"
"repeating": {
"0": {
"CellV": 32,
"CellTmp": 39,
"CellSt": 0
"1": {
"CellV": 30,
"CellTmp": 36,
"CellSt": 0
"2": {
"CellV": 31,
"CellTmp": 32,
"CellSt": 0
"2": {
"id": 805,
"fixed": {
"StrIdx": 1,
"ModIdx": 2,
"SoC": 96,
"NCell": 3,
"SN": "ABC124"
"repeating": {
"0": {
"CellV": 1,
"CellTmp": 23,
"CellSt": 0
"1": {
"CellV": 2,
"CellTmp": 23,
"CellSt": 0
"2": {
"CellV": 1,
"CellTmp": 22,
"CellSt": 0
The eVault product has 16 cells, 1 module, and 1 string. We include model
- 802: required of battery banks
- 803: contains summary level data on the string in the repeating block. That summary data has the Contactor Status, which is important to Fortress Engineers.
- 805: Module and cell level data.
We can generate the shadow sunspec along with datatypes.
import json
from pprint import pprint
from shadowsunspec.factory import assemble, ShadowSunspecEncoder, TelemetrySunspecEncoder
import shadowsunspec.factory as factory
example_device = assemble([
{'mid': 802},
{'mid': 803},
{'mid': 805, 'repeating': 16}])
#dumped_shadow = (json.dumps(example_device, cls=ShadowSunspecEncoder, indent=2))
dumped_shadow = factory.encode(example_device, using=ShadowSunspecEncoder, as_obj=True)
print(json.dumps(dumped_shadow, indent=2))
"0": {
"fixed": {
"SocRsvMax": "uint16",
"SoCRsvMin": "uint16",
"CtrlHb": "uint16",
"AlmRst": "uint16",
"SetOp": "enum16",
"SetInvState": "enum16"
"id": 802
"1": {
"fixed": {},
"repeating": {
"0": {
"StrSetEna": "enum16",
"StrSetCon": "enum16"
"id": 803
"2": {
"fixed": {},
"repeating": {
"0": {},
"1": {},
"2": {},
"3": {},
"4": {},
"5": {},
"6": {},
"7": {},
"8": {},
"9": {},
"10": {},
"11": {},
"12": {},
"13": {},
"14": {},
"15": {}
"id": 805
This shadow does not take up much space relative to the 30k limit.
from sys import getsizeof
print("Shadow is", getsizeof(json.dumps(dumped_shadow), "bytes"))
Shadow is 503
The points needed for telemetry are
dumped_telem = factory.encode(example_device, using=TelemetrySunspecEncoder, as_obj=True)
print(json.dumps(dumped_telem, indent=2))
"0": {
"fixed": {
"AHRtg": "uint16",
"WHRtg": "uint16",
"WChaRteMax": "uint16",
"WDisChaRteMax": "uint16",
"DisChaRte": "uint16",
"SoCMax": "uint16",
"SoCMin": "uint16",
"SoC": "uint16",
"DoD": "uint16",
"SoH": "uint16",
"NCyc": "uint32",
"ChaSt": "enum16",
"LocRemCtl": "enum16",
"Hb": "uint16",
"Typ": "enum16",
"State": "enum16",
"StateVnd": "enum16",
"WarrDt": "uint32",
"Evt1": "bitfield32",
"Evt2": "bitfield32",
"EvtVnd1": "bitfield32",
"EvtVnd2": "bitfield32",
"V": "uint16",
"VMax": "uint16",
"VMin": "uint16",
"CellVMax": "uint16",
"CellVMaxStr": "uint16",
"CellVMaxMod": "uint16",
"CellVMin": "uint16",
"CellVMinStr": "uint16",
"CellVMinMod": "uint16",
"CellVAvg": "uint16",
"A": "int16",
"AChaMax": "uint16",
"ADisChaMax": "uint16",
"W": "int16",
"ReqInvState": "enum16",
"ReqW": "int16"
"id": 802
"1": {
"fixed": {
"NStr": "uint16",
"NStrCon": "uint16",
"ModTmpMax": "int16",
"ModTmpMaxStr": "uint16",
"ModTmpMaxMod": "uint16",
"ModTmpMin": "int16",
"ModTmpMinStr": "uint16",
"ModTmpMinMod": "uint16",
"ModTmpAvg": "uint16",
"StrVMax": "uint16",
"StrVMaxStr": "uint16",
"StrVMin": "uint16",
"StrVMinStr": "uint16",
"StrVAvg": "uint16",
"StrAMax": "int16",
"StrAMaxStr": "uint16",
"StrAMin": "int16",
"StrAMinStr": "uint16",
"StrAAvg": "int16",
"NCellBal": "uint16"
"repeating": {
"0": {
"StrNMod": "uint16",
"StrSt": "bitfield32",
"StrConFail": "enum16",
"StrSoC": "uint16",
"StrSoH": "uint16",
"StrA": "int16",
"StrCellVMax": "uint16",
"StrCellVMaxMod": "uint16",
"StrCellVMin": "uint16",
"StrCellVMinMod": "uint16",
"StrCellVAvg": "uint16",
"StrModTmpMax": "int16",
"StrModTmpMaxMod": "uint16",
"StrModTmpMin": "int16",
"StrModTmpMinMod": "uint16",
"StrModTmpAvg": "int16",
"StrDisRsn": "enum16",
"StrConSt": "bitfield32",
"StrEvt1": "bitfield32",
"StrEvt2": "bitfield32",
"StrEvtVnd1": "bitfield32",
"StrEvtVnd2": "bitfield32"
"id": 803
"2": {
"fixed": {
"StrIdx": "uint16",
"ModIdx": "uint16",
"NCell": "uint16",
"SoC": "uint16",
"DoD": "uint16",
"SoH": "uint16",
"NCyc": "uint32",
"V": "uint16",
"CellVMax": "uint16",
"CellVMaxCell": "uint16",
"CellVMin": "uint16",
"CellVMinCell": "uint16",
"CellVAvg": "uint16",
"CellTmpMax": "int16",
"CellTmpMaxCell": "uint16",
"CellTmpMin": "int16",
"CellTmpMinCell": "uint16",
"CellTmpAvg": "int16",
"NCellBal": "uint16",
"SN": "string"
"repeating": {
"0": {
"CellV": "uint16",
"CellTmp": "int16",
"CellSt": "bitfield32"
"1": {
"CellV": "uint16",
"CellTmp": "int16",
"CellSt": "bitfield32"
"2": {
"CellV": "uint16",
"CellTmp": "int16",
"CellSt": "bitfield32"
"3": {
"CellV": "uint16",
"CellTmp": "int16",
"CellSt": "bitfield32"
"4": {
"CellV": "uint16",
"CellTmp": "int16",
"CellSt": "bitfield32"
"5": {
"CellV": "uint16",
"CellTmp": "int16",
"CellSt": "bitfield32"
"6": {
"CellV": "uint16",
"CellTmp": "int16",
"CellSt": "bitfield32"
"7": {
"CellV": "uint16",
"CellTmp": "int16",
"CellSt": "bitfield32"
"8": {
"CellV": "uint16",
"CellTmp": "int16",
"CellSt": "bitfield32"
"9": {
"CellV": "uint16",
"CellTmp": "int16",
"CellSt": "bitfield32"
"10": {
"CellV": "uint16",
"CellTmp": "int16",
"CellSt": "bitfield32"
"11": {
"CellV": "uint16",
"CellTmp": "int16",
"CellSt": "bitfield32"
"12": {
"CellV": "uint16",
"CellTmp": "int16",
"CellSt": "bitfield32"
"13": {
"CellV": "uint16",
"CellTmp": "int16",
"CellSt": "bitfield32"
"14": {
"CellV": "uint16",
"CellTmp": "int16",
"CellSt": "bitfield32"
"15": {
"CellV": "uint16",
"CellTmp": "int16",
"CellSt": "bitfield32"
"id": 805
from sys import getsizeof
print("Telemetry is", getsizeof(json.dumps(dumped_telem)), "bytes")
Telemetry is 3501 bytes
If you want to see some example values instead you can do the following. Note that data points that are not "Mandatory" will use these values to show that they are unimplemented. . In this example, we will show dummy data in the following points (written as model_id.symbol
from shadowsunspec.values import example_values, ShadowSunspecValueEncoder
from pprint import pprint
print(json.dumps(example_device, cls=ShadowSunspecValueEncoder, indent=2))
"0": {
"fixed": {
"AHRtg": 65535,
"WHRtg": 65535,
"WChaRteMax": 65535,
"WDisChaRteMax": 65535,
"DisChaRte": 65535,
"SoCMax": 65535,
"SoCMin": 65535,
"SocRsvMax": 65535,
"SoCRsvMin": 65535,
"SoC": 489,
"DoD": 65535,
"SoH": 65535,
"NCyc": 4294967295,
"ChaSt": 65535,
"LocRemCtl": 65535,
"Hb": 65535,
"CtrlHb": 65535,
"AlmRst": 65535,
"Typ": 65535,
"State": 65535,
"StateVnd": 65535,
"WarrDt": 4294967295,
"Evt1": 4294967295,
"Evt2": 4294967295,
"EvtVnd1": 4294967295,
"EvtVnd2": 4294967295,
"V": 495,
"VMax": 65535,
"VMin": 65535,
"CellVMax": 65535,
"CellVMaxStr": 65535,
"CellVMaxMod": 65535,
"CellVMin": 65535,
"CellVMinStr": 65535,
"CellVMinMod": 65535,
"CellVAvg": 65535,
"A": 409,
"AChaMax": 65535,
"ADisChaMax": 65535,
"W": 358,
"ReqInvState": 65535,
"ReqW": -32768,
"SetOp": 65535,
"SetInvState": 65535
"id": 802
"1": {
"fixed": {
"NStr": 65535,
"NStrCon": 65535,
"ModTmpMax": -32768,
"ModTmpMaxStr": 65535,
"ModTmpMaxMod": 65535,
"ModTmpMin": -32768,
"ModTmpMinStr": 65535,
"ModTmpMinMod": 65535,
"ModTmpAvg": 65535,
"StrVMax": 65535,
"StrVMaxStr": 65535,
"StrVMin": 65535,
"StrVMinStr": 65535,
"StrVAvg": 65535,
"StrAMax": -32768,
"StrAMaxStr": 65535,
"StrAMin": -32768,
"StrAMinStr": 65535,
"StrAAvg": -32768,
"NCellBal": 65535
"repeating": {
"0": {
"StrNMod": 65535,
"StrSt": 4294967295,
"StrConFail": 65535,
"StrSoC": 65535,
"StrSoH": 65535,
"StrA": -32768,
"StrCellVMax": 65535,
"StrCellVMaxMod": 65535,
"StrCellVMin": 65535,
"StrCellVMinMod": 65535,
"StrCellVAvg": 65535,
"StrModTmpMax": -32768,
"StrModTmpMaxMod": 65535,
"StrModTmpMin": -32768,
"StrModTmpMinMod": 65535,
"StrModTmpAvg": -32768,
"StrDisRsn": 65535,
"StrConSt": 4294967295,
"StrEvt1": 4294967295,
"StrEvt2": 4294967295,
"StrEvtVnd1": 4294967295,
"StrEvtVnd2": 4294967295,
"StrSetEna": 65535,
"StrSetCon": 65535
"id": 803
"2": {
"fixed": {
"StrIdx": 1,
"ModIdx": 65535,
"NCell": 16,
"SoC": 65535,
"DoD": 65535,
"SoH": 65535,
"NCyc": 4294967295,
"V": 508,
"CellVMax": 65535,
"CellVMaxCell": 65535,
"CellVMin": 65535,
"CellVMinCell": 65535,
"CellVAvg": 65535,
"CellTmpMax": -32768,
"CellTmpMaxCell": 65535,
"CellTmpMin": -32768,
"CellTmpMinCell": 65535,
"CellTmpAvg": -32768,
"NCellBal": 65535,
"SN": 0
"repeating": {
"0": {
"CellV": 303,
"CellTmp": 306,
"CellSt": 0
"1": {
"CellV": 294,
"CellTmp": 327,
"CellSt": 0
"2": {
"CellV": 292,
"CellTmp": 300,
"CellSt": 0
"3": {
"CellV": 280,
"CellTmp": 310,
"CellSt": 0
"4": {
"CellV": 299,
"CellTmp": 303,
"CellSt": 0
"5": {
"CellV": 292,
"CellTmp": 305,
"CellSt": 0
"6": {
"CellV": 292,
"CellTmp": 320,
"CellSt": 0
"7": {
"CellV": 305,
"CellTmp": 324,
"CellSt": 0
"8": {
"CellV": 288,
"CellTmp": 326,
"CellSt": 0
"9": {
"CellV": 312,
"CellTmp": 322,
"CellSt": 0
"10": {
"CellV": 297,
"CellTmp": 325,
"CellSt": 0
"11": {
"CellV": 290,
"CellTmp": 339,
"CellSt": 0
"12": {
"CellV": 290,
"CellTmp": 329,
"CellSt": 0
"13": {
"CellV": 320,
"CellTmp": 308,
"CellSt": 0
"14": {
"CellV": 319,
"CellTmp": 320,
"CellSt": 0
"15": {
"CellV": 283,
"CellTmp": 302,
"CellSt": 0
"id": 805