Tran The Trong | PT |
Vu Viet Phuong | PT |
Tran Tra Giang | DOC |
Nguyen The Tuyen | PT |
git clone
cd 2014-team-E
mvn clean install
With the aim of making easy for managing your jobs, our team would like to introduce MasterTask - a friendly and powerful task management tool. Even you are good at technique or not, this app is totally in your hands! Use this app to control projects and their relevant tasks, then share with your group - so simple but effective with MasterTask!
Because of limitation to time (2 days for app development) and members (maximum 4 members/team) as suggested by eXo Jury, our team decided to finish some main points of our app, and next will be promising features and of course a cool User Interface from BD Team. See the table to know which you can play now, as well more features that will be introduced soon.
Track issues, bugs and improvements for MasterTask, and give your expectations or any feedback at
See the following diagram to understand our plan for MasterTask:
If you are not familiar with adding an app to a page, do as follows to access MasterTask:
Open the eXo Platform link of 4.1-M2-codefest-team_e on Acceptance (
Log in Intranet as admin account (for example default - username: gatein & password: gtn).
At the top administration bar, select Administration --> Applications.
Click Import Applications button, then click OK in the confirmation message to import all gadgets and portlets.
Click eXo brand icon at the top left corner to come back to the Intranet homepage.
At the top administration bar, click Edit --> Page --> Add Page to create a page where MasterTask will be stored.
Enter Node Name, for example page1, then click Next.
Select Empty Layout, and click Next.
In Page Editor --> Applications tab, scroll to find the name of MasterTask - team-e-addon-webapp.
Click team-e-addon-webapp to see the name of our app: MasterTask.
Drag MasterTask app from Page Editor and drop it into Page Layout.
Click to accept these changes. You will be redirected to the page that contains MasterTask. In this case, it will be: Now, you can enjoy MasterTask!
A list of projects will be displayed. If you have no project, there will be a message: No project is available, please create one!.
Click Create new project button at the bottom.
Enter Project name (mandatory) and Description for your project.
Share your project with a group by clicking the down-arrow icon of Shared Groups, then click Add. This means members of the shared groups can work on that project in the Shared Projects tab.
Click Create button to finish.
To find your needed projects quickly, click either of tabs:
My Projects: Lists projects that are created by yourself.
- Here, you can make any changes to your desires or delete your own projects.
Shared Projects: Lists projects that another shared with groups where you are member.
Here, you can:
See information of shared projects, including: Project Name, Description, Owners and Members.
View details of shared projects, and can do actions regarding to tasks of that project (for example, creating new, editing, or deleting, commenting).
However, you have no right to make changes on information of the shared projects themselves or delete them.
After sorting your projects by either of above tabs (My Projects & Shared Projects), you may still find difficult to find exactly your projects because of so many. In this case, you can continue filter your project by name or description from the list of selected tab as follows:
The projects that match with your input will be listed in the selected tab.
In the list of projects, click corresponding to the project you want to edit. The Edit project form with the project information is displayed at the bottom of the projects list.
Make changes to your desires, then click Update to finish or Cancel to delete your updates.
In the list of projects, simply click to delete a project.
A project can be considered to represent a team, and in each project, team members can manage their tasks easily and simply. By clicking a specific project, you will be redirected to its details as follows:
Here you can:
See all tasks of this project. If this project does not have any task, one message will be shown: "No task is available, please create one!".
The tasks that have been resolved or unresolved or refused are displayed with a strike-through.
Perform quick actions on each specific task (setting priority, updating status, assigning to one member under the shared groups of a project) by selecting from the drop-down menu. For example, to set a new priority, hover your cursor over the current level in Priority column, then select another from the drop-down menu.
MasterTask allows you to access tasks assigned to you quickly in My Dashboard. Click to be redirected to My Dashboard.
Here, you can see the current status of tasks assigned to you and change status by dragging and dropping one task between column. Click the Projects text on the breadcrumb to come back to main screen of projects.
In the list of tasks, MasterTask allows you to filter your search results by Status and Priority and search for your desired tasks by title quickly.
Click the project to which you want to add a new task. You will be redirected to details panel of the project as above.
Put your cursor into the Quick Add form, then type the task title and hit Enter key.
Your newly created task will be updated into the list of tasks at the bottom.
Simply tick the checkbox corresponding to task you want to delete, then click Delete button at the left bottom.
Delete multiple tasks at one time by ticking relevant checkboxes, then click Delete button.
Delete all tasks of the project at one time by ticking the first checkbox next to Task.
In the list of tasks, simply click one task you want to view. Here you will see all information of the task, including: Title of task, Status, Reporter, Created time, Priority, Assignee, Label, and Comments.
As stated above, some information of a task can be directly changed into the Tasks View panel, including: setting priority, updating status, and assigning. Besides, to make more changes, you can edit in the Details view of each task as follows:
Click one task to open the Task Details view.
Add more details, or make changes on fields you like, including:
Title: Changes title if you like.
Priority: Clicks the down-arrow icon to select a priority level for your task. Currently, there are 4 levels: BLOCKER, MAJOR, MINOR and UNDEFINED. If you don't set priority, the default value will be UNDEFINED.
- Status: Clicks the down-arrow icon to update status for your task. Currently, there are 4 types: OPEN, IN PROGRESS, RESOLVED, REFUSED, in which OPEN is set for Status by default.
Assignee: Clicks the down-arrow icon to assign your task to one user. Remember that, only users who are in the Shared Groups of the project are listed in the drop-down menu. This means that you can only assign this task to one user who belongs to the group with the project has shared.
Label: Adds labels to note your task, then click Add button or hit Enter key. The newly created label will be updated right above the Add Label form. Click x next to a label to remove it.
Finally, click Update button to finish your changes, or Cancel to exit the Edit Task form without changes.