Accelerating distributed AI research
EXO Gym is an open-source Python toolkit that facilitates distributed AI research. It contains an evolving collection of simulators that run on a single machine but simulate a distributed setup. For example, diloco-sim simulates running the DiLoCo algorithm by training on N nodes, but it can all run locally on a single machine. The goal is to abstract away the complexity of maintaining a real distributed system and allow researchers to focus on algorithmic innovation.
To get started, clone the repo, then head to the sims directory and choose one to run. The first implementation is a data-parallel sim called diloco-sim.
git clone
pip install -r requirements.txt
Choose a sim to run, for example, diloco-sim:
cd sims/diloco-sim
Then get started with one of the examples available in the examples folder. Here is an example of the minimal arguments needed to train a CNN with diloco-sim:
simulator = DilocoSimulator(
model_kwargs={"num_classes": 100, "input_channels": 3, "input_height": 32, "input_width": 32},
optimizer_kwargs={"lr": 0.001},
num_nodes = 2,
For a short introduction to understanding distributed training check out the following blog written by the EXO team. For more details about EXO gym & related competitions, click here.