THOR is a GCM that solves the three-dimensional non-hydrostatic Euler equations on an icosahedral grid. THOR was designed to run on Graphics Processing Units (GPUs).
If you use this code please cite: Mendonça, J.M., Grimm, S.L., Grosheintz, L., & Heng, K., ApJ, 829, 115, 2016
If using version 2.0 or later, please also cite: Deitrick, R., Mendonça, J.M., Schroffenegger, U., Grimm, S.L., Tsai, S.-M., & Heng, K., ApJS, 248, 2, 2020
Current code owners: Joao Mendonca:, Russell Deitrick:, Urs Schroffenegger:
$ sudo apt-get install git make gcc g++ cmake nvidia-cuda-toolkit nvidia-utils-390 libhdf5-dev libhdf5-100 libhdf5-serial-dev libhdf5-cpp-100
$ git clone
$ cd THOR
$ cp Makefile.conf.template Makefile.conf
Find the SM
value of your Nvidia GPU. Decide if you want to run without any physics module empty
physics module, or the one with radiative transfer, the multi
module. Then open Makefile.conf
in a text editor and edit like so:
MODULES_SRC := src/physics/managers/<module_type>/
SM:=<SM value of your card>
Set module_type
to empty
(default) or multi
Then head back to the command line and
$ make -j8 release
Finally, run
$ bin/esp ifile/<config file for your planet>