This cookbook installs, configures and manages NetApp OnCommand Cloud Manager systems. The included resources also deploy, manage and destroy NetApp ONTAP Cloud systems.
Table of Contents generated with DocToc
- Requirements
- Node Attributes
- Custom Resource
- Recipes
- Upload to Chef Server
- Matchers/Helpers
- Cookbook Testing
- Contribute
- License & Authors
- Centos 7.1 and 7.2
- Redhat 7.1 and 7.2
- Official AWS Machine Image (Ami)
- Chef 12.5+
- There are currently no outside dependencies
- Optional Data_bag
and itemaws
. Handles AWS keys to be passed during initial OCCM setup.
"id": "aws",
"aws_access_key": "AKIA################",
"aws_secret_key": "29######################################"
- Required Data_bag
and itemadmin_credentials
. Handles OCCM Admin credentials used in recipes.
"id": "admin_credentials",
"email_address": "test@lab.test",
"password": "Netapp1"
- Required Data_bag
and item<ontap-cloud-name>
. Handles ONTAP Cloud Cluster Admin credentials assigned to the controller.
"id": "demolab",
"svm_password": "Netapp123"
This cookbook can create a local or remote OnCommand Cloud Manager host. If deployed in Amazon, we advise using the existing NetApp AWS Marketplace Machine Image (OCCM-AMI). Visit the official page for OnCommand Cloud Manager in the AWS Marketplace for more information.
This cookbook will need access to your Amazon Web Services account and details contained therein. As part of the process, we will deploy ONTAP Cloud for AWS systems. Before this can happen, you must accept the official NetApp ONTAP Cloud Amazon Machine Image (ONTAP-AMI) end user license agreement. Visit the official page for ONTAP Cloud in the AWS Marketplace for more information.
The OnCommand Cloud Manager system requires that credentials exist either for the individual user or, if running in AWS, an IAM Instance Role for the EC2 server with the correct policy. Review the official IAM policy requirements for OCCM
- String. Hostname or IP address of the OnCommand Cloud Manager system. Default islocalhost
. -
- String. Company name to which this installation should be registered. -
- String. The tenant name in OCCM. Default value is 'Default Tenant' -
- URL. Full HTTP path to the installation media. Default is nil. Not required except when performing a local installation or not using the official Cloud Instance -
- Boolean. Determines if the setup recipe should also install OCCM. Default is false
- String. ONTAP Cloud system name.
Value must match regex: [/^[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]{2,39}$/] -
- String. AWS EBS Volume type. Supported values are ['gp2', 'st1', 'sc1']. Default value is 'gp2' -
- String. Size of the EBS Volume. Supported values are ['100GB', '500GB', '1TB', '2TB', '4TB', '8TB']. Default value is '1TB' -
- String. ONTAP Cloud for AWS instance type. Default value is 'm4.xlarge'. -
- String. ONTAP Cloud license type. Supported values are ['cot-explore-paygo', 'cot-standard-paygo', 'cot-premium-paygo']. Default value is 'cot-explore-paygo' -
- String. Required for AWS deployments.
Value must match regex:[/^[a-z]{2}-[a-z]+-\d$/] -
- String. Required for AWS deployments.
Value must match regex: [/^vpc-[a-zA-Z0-9]{8}$/] -
- String. Required for AWS deployments.
Value must match regex: [/^subnet-[a-zA-Z0-9]{8}$/] -
- String. Valid values are 'normal' or 'high'. Note: setting the value to high can potentially cause lost writes in the event of a failure. Set this value at your discretion.
- String. New Aggregate name.
Value must match regex: [/^[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]{2,39}$/]node['ontap_cloud']['ontap']['standalone']['aggregate']['disk_count']
- Integer. Optionally adds disks to an existing aggregate.node['ontap_cloud']['ontap']['standalone']['aggregate']['size']
- String. Size of the EBS Volume. Supported values are ['100GB', '500GB', '1TB', '2TB', '4TB', '8TB']. Default value matchesnode['ontap_cloud']['ontap']['standalone']['size']
if setnode['ontap_cloud']['ontap']['standalone']['aggregate']['ebs_type']
- String. String. AWS EBS Volume type. Supported values are ['gp2', 'st1', 'sc1']. Default value matchesnode['ontap_cloud']['ontap']['standalone']['ebs_type']
if set
Manages an existing OnCommand Cloud Manager setup
Configures OnCommand Cloud Manager first-time setup
NOTE: properties in bold are required
Property | Type | Description |
server |
String | Hostname or IP address of the OnCommand Cloud Manager system |
email_address |
String | Email address assigned to the newly created user for first-time setup |
password |
String | Password for the user used in the setup. Sensitve and will not print in the logs. |
company |
String | Company name to which this installation should be registered |
site |
String | Site or Datacenter to where the OnCommand Cloud Manager system is deployed |
Property | Type | Description |
first_name |
String | First name of the User to manage. Default is 'occm' |
last_name |
String | Last name of the User to manage. Default is 'admin' |
role_name |
String | Sets the access level of the user. Valid options ['Cloud Manager Admin', 'Tenant Admin', 'Working Environment Admin'] Default is 'Cloud Manager Admin' |
Property | Type | Description |
tenant_name |
String | Name of the OnCommand Cloud Manager Tenant. |
description |
String | Optional long description for the OCCM Tenant. |
cost_center |
String | Optional cost-center identifier for the OCCM Tenant. |
Property | Type | Description |
aws_key |
String | Used to add AWS credentials to the newly created user. If none supplied, then provisioning of ONTAP Cloud systems will be disabled. Sensitve and will not print in the logs. NOTE: When running in AWS, an instance role can be assigned to the Cloud Manager system and these credentials can be skipped. |
aws_secret |
String | Used to add AWS credentials to the newly created user. If none supplied, then provisioning of ONTAP Cloud systems will be disabled. Sensitve and will not print in the logs. NOTE: When running in AWS, an instance role can be assigned to the Cloud Manager system and these credentials can be skipped. |
netapp_ontap_cloud_occm 'Setup Cloud Manager' do
server 'localhost'
email_address 'occm@lab.test'
password 'Netapp1'
company 'My Company'
tenant_name 'Default Tenant'
action :setup
Deploys and configures ONTAP Cloud in AWS systems
Deploys an ONTAP Cloud for AWS system
NOTE: properties in bold are required
Property | Type | Description |
server |
String | Hostname or IP address of the OnCommand Cloud Manager system |
occm_user |
String | Email address of the OCCM user |
occm_password |
String | Password for the user supplied |
ontap_name |
String | NAME Property. The name of the ONTAP Cloud system to be created. This is the name property for the resource block. Value must match regex: [/^[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]{2,39}$/] |
tenant_name |
String | OCCM Tenant name to which the user has access and the new ONTAP Cloud will be deployed |
Property | Type | Description |
region |
String | The region to which the OCCM server can communicate and the new ONTAP Cloud should be deployed. Value must match regex:[/^[a-z]{2}-[a-z]+-\d$/] |
vpc_id |
String | The AWS VPC to which the OCCM server can communicate and the new ONTAP Cloud should be deployed. Value must match regex: [/^vpc-[a-zA-Z0-9]{8}$/] |
subnet_id |
String | The subnet in the VPC to which the OCCM server can communicate and the new ONTAP Cloud should be deployed. Value must match regex: [/^subnet-[a-zA-Z0-9]{8}$/] |
aws_tags |
String | Future Property |
Property | Type | Description |
instance_type |
String | AWS Instance Type. Default value is 'm4.xlarge'. |
license_type |
String | NetApp license type. Supported values are ['cot-explore-paygo', 'cot-standard-paygo', 'cot-premium-paygo']. Devault value is 'cot-explore-paygo' |
ontap_version |
String | Sets the version of ONTAP to deploy. Default is 'latest' |
use_latest |
Booelean | Should be set to true if ontap_version is latest . Default is true |
platform_license |
String | Future Property |
ebs_volume_type |
String | Sets the AWS EBS volume type for new storage attached to the ONTAP Cloud system. Supported values are 'gp2','st1','sc1'. Default value is 'gp2' |
ebs_volume_size |
String | Configures the EBS volume size. Supported values are '100GB','500GB','1TB','2TB','4TB','8TB'. Default value is '1TB' |
bypass_snapshot |
Booelean | Skips the default action by OCCM to create an EBS snapshot on first instantiation of ONTAP Cloud. |
data_encryption_type |
String | Future Property. Supported values are 'NONE', 'AWS', 'ONTAP'. Default value is 'NONE' |
clusterKeyPairName |
String | Future Property |
svm_password |
String | Sets the password on the cluster admin account for the ONTAP Cloud system. Sensitve and will not print in the logs. |
write_speed |
String | Determines the write_speed of the system. Valid values are 'normal' or 'high'. Note: setting the value to high can potentially cause lost writes in the event of a failure. Set this value at your discretion. |
netapp_ontap_cloud_ontap_aws 'myontap' do
server 'localhost'
occm_user 'occm@lab.test'
occm_password 'Netapp1'
tenant_name 'Default Tenant'
svm_password 'Netapp123'
region 'us-east-1'
vpc_id 'vpc-12345678'
subnet_id 'subnet-1a2b3c4d'
ebs_volume_size '100GB'
bypass_snapshot true
action :create
Updates the write_speed for an existing ONTAP Cloud system:
NOTE: Modification of the write_speed will require that the ONTAP Cloud system be rebooted. This will cause a service disruption to any existing connected clients and servers.
NOTE: properties in bold are required
Property | Type | Description |
server |
String | Hostname or IP address of the OnCommand Cloud Manager system |
occm_user |
String | Email address of the OCCM user |
occm_password |
String | Password for the user supplied |
ontap_name |
String | NAME Property. The name of the ONTAP Cloud system to be created. This is the name property for the resource block. Value must match regex: [/^[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]{2,39}$/] |
write_speed |
String | Determines the write_speed of the system. Valid values are 'normal' or 'high'. Note: setting the value to high can potentially cause lost writes in the event of a failure. Set this value at your discretion. |
netapp_ontap_cloud_ontap_aws 'demolab' do
server 'localhost'
occm_user 'test@lab.test'
occm_password 'netapp123'
write_speed 'high'
action :set_write_speed
Destroys an ONTAP Cloud for AWS system
NOTE: properties in bold are required
Property | Type | Description |
server |
String | Hostname or IP address of the OnCommand Cloud Manager system |
occm_user |
String | Email address of the OCCM user |
occm_password |
String | Password for the user supplied |
ontap_name |
String | NAME Property. The name of the ONTAP Cloud system to be created. This is the name property for the resource block. Value must match regex: [/^[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]{2,39}$/] |
netapp_ontap_cloud_ontap_aws 'Remove ONTAP Cloud' do
server 'localhost'
occm_user 'test@lab.test'
occm_password 'netapp123'
ontap_name 'old_demolab'
action :delete
Configures ONTAP Cloud aggregates
Creates a new ONTAP Cloud aggregate
NOTE: properties in bold are required
Property | Type | Description |
server |
String | Hostname or IP address of the OnCommand Cloud Manager system |
occm_user |
String | Email address of the OCCM user |
occm_password |
String | Password for the user supplied |
ontap_name |
String | NAME Property. The name of the ONTAP Cloud system to be created. Value must match regex: [/^[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]{2,39}$/] |
Property | Type | Description |
aggregate |
String | New Aggregate name. This is the name property for the resource block. |
disk_count |
Integer | Number of new disks of selected type to be included in the creation of the aggregate. Default is 1 |
ebs_volume_type |
String | Sets the AWS EBS volume type for new storage attached to the ONTAP Cloud system. Supported values are 'gp2','st1','sc1'. Default value is 'gp2' |
ebs_volume_size |
String | Configures the EBS volume size. Supported values are '100GB','500GB','1TB','2TB','4TB','8TB'. Default value is '1TB' |
netapp_ontap_cloud_aggregate 'aggr_new' do
server 'localhost'
occm_user 'test@lab.test'
occm_password 'netapp123'
ontap_name 'demolab'
disk_count 1
ebs_volume_size '100GB'
ebs_volume_type 'gp2'
action :create
Adds a new disk to an existing ONTAP Cloud Aggregate
NOTE: properties in bold are required
Property | Type | Description |
server |
String | Hostname or IP address of the OnCommand Cloud Manager system |
occm_user |
String | Email address of the OCCM user |
occm_password |
String | Password for the user supplied |
ontap_name |
String | NAME Property. The name of the ONTAP Cloud system to be created. This is the name property for the resource block. Value must match regex: [/^[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]{2,39}$/] |
Property | Type | Description |
aggregate |
String | Existing Aggregate name. This is the name property for the resource block. |
disk_count |
Integer | Number of new disks of selected type to be included in the addition to the aggregate. Default is 1 |
netapp_ontap_cloud_aggregate 'aggr1' do
server 'localhost'
occm_user 'test@lab.test'
occm_password 'netapp123'
ontap_name 'demolab'
disk_count 1
action :add
Delete an unused ONTAP Cloud Aggregate. Note: This process will fail if there are existing volumes
NOTE: properties in bold are required
Property | Type | Description |
server |
String | Hostname or IP address of the OnCommand Cloud Manager system |
occm_user |
String | Email address of the OCCM user |
occm_password |
String | Password for the user supplied |
ontap_name |
String | NAME Property. The name of the ONTAP Cloud system to be created. This is the name property for the resource block. Value must match regex: [/^[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]{2,39}$/] |
Property | Type | Description |
aggregate |
String | Existing Aggregate name. This is the name property for the resource block. |
netapp_ontap_cloud_aggregate 'aggr_new' do
server 'localhost'
occm_user 'occm@lab.test'
occm_password 'Netapp1'
action :delete
This resource was removed and is available in the Netapp Docker cookbook
This is an empty recipe and should not be used
Installs NetApp OnCommand Cloud Manager application. This recipe does not perform the setup or configuration
Installs and configures NetApp OnCommand Cloud Manager service using the default configuration and setup. Includes the recipe::occm_install.
Configures NetApp OnCommand Cloud Manager service using the default configuration and setup. Deploys a new ONTAP Cloud for AWS system in a standalone configuration.
Removes an existing standalone ONTAP Cloud for AWS system.
Creates a new ONTAP Cloud aggregate based on node attributes and settings.
This cookbook should be included in each organization of your CHEF environment. When importing, leverage Berkshelf:
berks upload
NOTE: use the --no-ssl-verify switch if the CHEF server in question has a self-signed SSL certificate.
berks upload --no-ssl-verify
Note: Matchers should always be created in libraries/matchers.rb
and used for validating calls to LWRP
Tests the LWRP (netapp_ontap_cloud_occm) with an action
Tests the LWRP (netapp_ontap_cloud_ontap_aws) with an action
Tests the LWRP (netapp_ontap_cloud_aggregate) with an action
- Occm::Helper - A library of helper functions to interface with OnCommand Cloud Manager. This library can be included in recipes to perform commands and lookups of OCCM actions and resources.
If you are testing locally, the installation media needs to be downloaded directly from NetApp's software download site. The media can be placed in files/default
in this cookbook or hosted on a webserver. If hosted on the webserver, then the kitchen attribute installer
needs to be set with the link.
Note: If Cloud Manager is provisioned locally, your OCCM server needs network connectivity to the cloud network where the ONTAP system is deployed. The process will run but ultimately fail to launch ONTAP Cloud without this connectivity.
Setup your testing and ensure all dependencies are installed. Open a terminal windows and execute:
gem install bundler
bundle install
berks install
This cookbook requires the use of a data_bag for setting certain values. Local JSON version need to be stored in the directory structure as indicated below:
├── chef-repo/
│ ├── cookbooks
│ │ ├── netapp_ontap_cloud_occm
│ │ │ ├── .kitchen.yml
│ ├── data_bags
│ │ ├── data_bag_name
│ │ │ ├── data_bag_item.json
Note: Storing local testing versions of the data_bags at the root of your repo is considered best practice. This ensures that you only need to maintain a single copy while protecting the cookbook from being accientally committed with the data_bag. However, if you must change this location, then update the following key in the .kitchen.yml file.
data_bags_path: "../../data_bags/"
This repo includes a Rakefile for common tasks
Task Command | Description |
rake | Run Style, Foodcritic, Maintainers, and Unit Tests |
rake style | Run all style checks |
rake style:chef | Run Chef style checks |
rake style:ruby | Run Ruby style checks |
rake style:ruby:auto_correct | Auto-correct RuboCop offenses |
rake unit | Run ChefSpec examples |
rake integration | Run all kitchen suites |
rake integration:kitchen:occm-centos-72 | Run occm-centos-72 test instance |
rake integration:kitchen:occm-web-install-72 | Run occm-web-install-72 test instance |
rake integration:kitchen:ontap-aws-centos-72 | Run ontap-aws-centos-72 test instance |
rake maintainers:generate | Generate MarkDown version of MAINTAINERS file |
bundle install
: Installs and pulls all ruby gems dependencies from the Gemfile. -
berks install
: Installs all cookbook dependencies based on the Berksfile and the metadata.rb -
: This will run all of the local tests - syntax, lint, unit, and maintainers file. -
rake integration
: This will run all of the kitchen tests
a test cookbook for the available LWRPs
For the purposes of testing and validating this code, we have included a test cookbook with pre-configured recipes. The LWRP unit tests leverage these recipes to verify configuration.
Name | Description |
Default | Roll-up recipe to test all of the functionality of the LWRP-specific recipes |
occm | Test the occm resource actions. |
ontap_aws | Test the ontap_aws resource actions. |
aggregate | Test the aggregate resource actions. |
Included in this cookbook is a set of Inspec profile tests used for supported platforms in Test-Kitchen. These profiles can also be loaded into Chef Compliance to ensure on-going validation. The Control files are located at test/inspec/suite_name
- Fork it
- Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
- Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
- Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
- Create new Pull Request
Author: Jeremy Goodrum (
Copyright: 2017 Exosphere Data, LLC
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.