The XAL Application Framework, known as XAF or just fortyTwo.
To get started, simply type the following commands in you bash shell:
$ curl -O
$ python
$ sudo easy_install pip
$ sudo pip install virtualenv
$ cd fortyTwo
$ virtualenv fortyTwo-env
$ source fortyTwo-env/bin/activate
Note, if you are using system python, make sure that development libraries and headers for python is available. On Ubuntu Linux, this for instance mean doing 'apt-get install python-dev'.
Additionally, iPython is of great help:
$ cd fortyTwo-env
$ pip install ipython
Use your local package manager to install nginx, e.g.
$ brew install nginx
Locate your nginx configuration file and possibly change the port it listens for and start it. With homebrew on a Mac, this works:
$ vim /usr/local/etc/nginx/nginx.conf
$ sudo nginx
Then get uwsgi and webapp2
$ pip install uwsgi
$ pip install WebOb
$ pip install webapp2
$ pip install pymongo
$ pip install elasticsearch
$ pip install couchdb
When done with setting up environment with pip, it is possible in the virtual env to do:
$ pip freeze > requirements.txt
This will make a list of all the installed packages, with versioning numbers, for easy pinning of versions and recreation of the configuration.
Warning: If you have installed python with homebrew on mac, the setup seems to not work.