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Rasputin can convert a point set of (x, y, z) coordinates to a triangulated irregular network. Specifically, it has been developed to convert raster dems (digital elevation models) into simplified triangulated surface meshes. The rasputin_store program can read GeoTIFF files and construct surface meshes in various formats. Run rasputin_store --help for more info.

It is also possible to compute the shade cast from a given, planar sun ray vector. This shade is computed based on the cell center of the simplified surface mesh.

Implementation strategy

The heavy lifting in Rasputin is done by external software:

  • CGAL is used for triangulation and simplification routines.
  • pybind11 is used to generate the Python wrappers.
  • Pillow is used to read GeoTIFF files.
  • Meshio is used to write results.
  • Armadillo for speedy arithmetics.
  • date for date and time on top of chrono.
  • Catch2 for unit testing of the c++ code.


Installing Rasputin is easy, as the C++ dependencies are header only. Simply, either install the dependencies using your system's package manager, or clone the source repository for each dependency locally on your computer and install them in such a way that CMake will find them. For examaple, in some location where you have your source code, type:

git clone 
git clone 
git clone 
git clone 
git clone 

For Howard Hinnant's date library to work, enter the rasputin source root directory and checkout the source under the lib folder:

cd lib
git clone 

Rasputin does not aim at being backwards compatible with older compilers. Hence, you will need something quite new. The following compilers are known to work:

  • g++ 8.3
  • clang 11.0.0

Note that g++ 7 no longer works, due to the use of <chrono> from stl. You can ensure that the right compiler is used for building Rasputin by setting the CXX environment variable. For example, to use g++ 8.x write the following in the terminal window:

export CXX=/usr/bin/g++-8

If you are using gcc, make sure that CXX points to g++ and not gcc.

Rasputin is build using CMake. On Ubuntu, CMake can be installed with the command

sudu apt-get install cmake

or on Arch,

sudo pacman -S cmake

A relatively recent version of CMake will be needed, and 3.15.6 or newer is known to work.

CGAL requires the two libraries GMP and MPFR to be installed in order to work satisfactory. On Ubuntu, these libraries can be installed the usual way by typing

sudo apt-get install libgmp-dev libmpfr-dev

or for Arch:

sudo pacman -Syy gmp mpfr

in a terminal window. Also, CGAL depends on Boost, see here.

Additionally, you need Python 3. Then, to install Rasputin, change to the Rasputin root source directory and run

pip3 install .

Or, if you prefer the old style:

python3 install

Docker build

Take a look at the Dockerfile to see how to setup required dependencies for a Debian system.

You can build rasputin and run tests by building the Docker image: docker build . -t rasputin-test

Minimal Example

To test the installation run this for example in ipython:

import numpy as np
import pyproj
from rasputin.reader import Rasterdata
from rasputin.mesh import Mesh

def construct_rasterdata():
    raster = np.array([0, 0, 0, 
                       0, 1, 0, 
                       0, 0, 0], dtype=np.float32).reshape(3,3)
    cs = pyproj.CRS.from_epsg(32633)
    return Rasterdata(shape=(raster.shape[1], raster.shape[0]), x_min=0, 
                      y_max=20, delta_x=10, delta_y=10, array=raster,
                      coordinate_system=cs.to_proj4(), info={})

if __name__ == "__main__":
    rd = construct_rasterdata()
    mesh = Mesh.from_raster(data=rd)
    pts = mesh.points
    for face in mesh.faces:
        print("Face:", *[f'{fc:2d}' for fc in face])
        print(f"pts[{face[0]}]:", *[f'{pt:4.1f}' for pt in pts[face[0]]])
        print(f"pts[{face[1]}]:", *[f'{pt:4.1f}' for pt in pts[face[1]]])
        print(f"pts[{face[2]}]:", *[f'{pt:4.1f}' for pt in pts[face[2]]])

This should print out:

Face:  0  1  2
pts[0]: 10.0 10.0  1.0
pts[1]: 10.0 20.0  0.0
pts[2]:  0.0 20.0  0.0

Face:  0  2  3
pts[0]: 10.0 10.0  1.0
pts[2]:  0.0 20.0  0.0
pts[3]:  0.0 10.0  0.0

Face:  0  4  1
pts[0]: 10.0 10.0  1.0
pts[4]: 20.0 10.0  0.0
pts[1]: 10.0 20.0  0.0

Face:  4  5  1
pts[4]: 20.0 10.0  0.0
pts[5]: 20.0 20.0  0.0
pts[1]: 10.0 20.0  0.0

Face:  3  6  0
pts[3]:  0.0 10.0  0.0
pts[6]: 10.0  0.0  0.0
pts[0]: 10.0 10.0  1.0

Face:  3  7  6
pts[3]:  0.0 10.0  0.0
pts[7]:  0.0  0.0  0.0
pts[6]: 10.0  0.0  0.0

Face:  6  8  0
pts[6]: 10.0  0.0  0.0
pts[8]: 20.0  0.0  0.0
pts[0]: 10.0 10.0  1.0

Face:  8  4  0
pts[8]: 20.0  0.0  0.0
pts[4]: 20.0 10.0  0.0
pts[0]: 10.0 10.0  1.0

Congratulations! You just triangulated a small mountain.


High quality DTM data for Norway can be downloaded from free here. Choose "Nedlasting" from the left hand side of the map, and choose "Landsdekkende", check "UTM-sone 33" and finally click DTM10. Download and unpack in, for instance, $HOME/rasputin_data/dem_archive, and export RASPUTIN_DATA_DIR=$HOME/rasputin_data.

It is possible to include land cover types in your triangulation, through the GlobCover dataset from ESA. It is a raster based 300m (approx) resolution data set that contains 23 different land cover types. Download the data set and unpack it in $RASPUTIN_DATA_DIR/globcov to access the land types using the rasputin.globcov_repository.GlobCovRepository class.


The layout of this project follows the recommentation from an excellent blog post by Benjamin R. Jack. Both the CMakeExtension and the CMakeBuild classes in are are taken from his blog as well. Thanks!

Use cases

Bhattarai, B. C., Silantyeva, O., Teweldebrhan, A. T., Helset, S., Skavhaug, O., and Burkhart, J. F.: Impact of Catchment Discretization and Imputed Radiation on Model Response: A Case Study from Central Himalayan Catchment, Water, 12, 2020b;

Silantyeva, O., Skavhaug, O., Bhattarai, B.C., Helset, S., Tallaksen, L.M., Nordaas, M., and Burkhart, J.F.: Shyft and Rasputin: a toolbox for hydrologic simulations on triangular irregular networks.