Setup Kubernetes with Ansible and Terraform
Prerequisites: - Generate a public and private key-pairs using the command below the guide
- Change `terraform-kubernetes-infrastructure/files/` to your public key which you want to use as EC2 Key-Pair
- In `terraform-kubernetes-infrastructure/` change public_key_path default attribute to your public key path which you have added in the first step
- Add your EC2 Key-Pair in `ansible-setup-kubernetes/data` folder
- In `terraform-kubernetes-infrastructure/` change ansible_ssh_private_key_file for each host to the location of your private EC2 Key-Pair inside ansible's configuration folder(`ansible-setup-kubernetes`):
For Example ./data/Private.pem
Setup Kubernetes Master and Nodes with Terraform:
- Execute terraform apply
- Copy the generated inventory terraform-inventory-output.yml
Setup Kubernetes Master and Nodes with Ansible:
- Run setup_kubernetes.yml playbook against the "/inventory" machines to setup initial docker and kubernetes configurations:
ansible-playbook -i ./inventory setup_kubernetes.yml
- Run setup_kube_master.yml to setup the kube-master machine:
ansible-playbook -i ./inventory setup_kube_master.yml
- Run setup_kube_nodes.yml to setup the kube-node machines:
ansible-playbook -i ./inventory setup_kube_nodes.yml
- Login in to kube-master with: ssh -i Private.pem centos@<kube_master_private_ip>
and execute kubectl get nodes
to see all nodes in the cluster
Setup remote access to Kubernetes-API:
- On master copy /etc/kubernetes/admin.config
to your local machine
- Use the script below to merge your current configuration and the new one
export KUBECONFIG=~/.kube/config:~/someotherconfig
kubectl config view --flatten > newconfig.config
cp newconfig.config ~/.kube/config
Experienced problems after "setup_kubernetes.yml" sometimes EC2 machine receives kernel panic and does not want to boot after the playbook finishes. Now should be gone.
P.S: For testing ansible with docker - you have to expose the docker host
// Import a EC2 Key-Pair aws ec2 import-key-pair --key-name Exp-US2 --public-key-material file://./
// Generate Public and Private Key-Pair ssh-keygen -f ./key-pair -t ecdsa -b 521
// Generate Public Key from your Private Key ssh-keygen -y -f ./Exp-US2.pem > ./
// Remove the directory path from the shell terminal export PS1="\u > "
// Ansible Ad-Hoc - Restart all machines in list ansible -i hosts all -m command -a "reboot" -u centos --become
// Restart a specific instances ansible -i hosts "kube-master, kube-node1, kube-node2" -m command -a "reboot" -u centos --become