deps: basic-auth@1.0.2
perf: enable strict mode
perf: hoist regular expression
perf: parse with regular expressions
perf: remove argument reassignment
deps: connect@2.30.0
deps: body-parser@~1.13.1
deps: bytes@2.1.0
deps: compression@~1.5.0
deps: cookie@0.1.3
deps: cookie-parser@~1.3.5
deps: csurf@~1.8.3
deps: errorhandler@~1.4.0
deps: express-session@~1.11.3
deps: finalhandler@0.4.0
deps: fresh@0.3.0
deps: morgan@~1.6.0
deps: serve-favicon@~2.3.0
deps: serve-index@~1.7.0
deps: serve-static@~1.10.0
deps: type-is@~1.6.3
deps: cookie@0.1.3
perf: deduce the scope of try-catch deopt
perf: remove argument reassignments
deps: escape-html@1.0.2
deps: etag@~1.7.0
Always include entity length in ETags for hash length extensions
Generate non-Stats ETags using MD5 only (no longer CRC32)
Improve stat performance by removing hashing
Improve support for JXcore
Remove base64 padding in ETags to shorten
Support "fake" stats objects in environments without fs
Use MD5 instead of MD4 in weak ETags over 1KB
deps: fresh@0.3.0
Add weak ETag
matching support
deps: mkdirp@0.5.1
Work in global strict mode
deps: send@0.13.0
Allow Node.js HTTP server to set Date
response header
Fix incorrectly removing Content-Location
on 304 response
Improve the default redirect response headers
Send appropriate headers on default error response
Use http-errors
for standard emitted errors
Use statuses
instead of http
module for status messages
deps: escape-html@1.0.2
deps: etag@~1.7.0
deps: fresh@0.3.0
deps: on-finished@~2.3.0
perf: enable strict mode
perf: remove unnecessary array allocations
You can’t perform that action at this time.