Final Project for LHL - A collaborative travel itinerary planner full stack app. It allows users to suggest ideas to a trip vote on them and put them into a trip itinerary. They can then drag and drop them to reorganize the order to fit their plans.
- Ruby on Rails
- React
- PostgreSQL
- ruby
- rails
- pg
- bcrypt
- rack-cors
- jb
- faker
- byebug
- react
- axios
- date-fns
- moment
- react-beautiful-dnd
- bootstrap
- react-bootstrap
- react-bootstrap-icons
- babel
- storybook
- Allows users to see list of activities
- user authentication
- see list of trips
- make new trips
- remove trips
- see activities details
- suggest activities to trips
- add activities to itinerary
- vote on suggested ideas
- view itinerary by days
- rearrange entries in itinerary by dragging and dropping
- React
- Webpack, Babel
- Axios
- Ruby on Rails
- PostgreSQL
backend on vagrant for psql bin/rails server -b= -p=3000-
npm start