This is a simple PHP renderer class, which consumes XML data and renders XSL templates
Run the following to install this library:
$ composer require ezkimo/xslt-template-engine
This example assumes a PSR-4 autoloader and shows how to use XML data with an XSL template. This example is also included in the example folder.
namespace MMNewmedia\Example;
use MMNewmedia\View\Renderer\XSLTRenderer;
use DOMDocument;
use Exception;
use SplFileObject;
// require PSR-4 Autoloading (assumes, that composer dump-autoload was executed before)
require '../vendor/autoload.php';
try {
// load the example xml data
$data = new DOMDocument();
$data->load(__DIR__ . '/xml/car.xml');
// load the xsl example template
$template = new SplFileObject(__DIR__ . '/xsl/example.xsl');
// initialise the xslt renderer
$renderer = new XSLTRenderer();
echo $renderer->render($template, $data);
} catch (Exception $e) {