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Platform aggregating suscribed electronic ressources usage statistics of the French reasearcher organizations


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Platform aggregating electronic resources usage statistics for the French researcher organizations.



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1. Install SSL certificates

ezMESURE uses an Apache reverse proxy which communicates with HTTPS only. Put the SSL certificate (server.pem) and private key (server.key) in rp/apache2/ssl. Optional if ezMESURE runs behind a proxy which takes care of handling HTTPS.

NB: you can use mkcert for local development

2. Setup environment

Create an environment file named and export the following environment variables. You can then source , which contains a set of predefined variables and is overridden by

NB: a helper script is available at tools/

name description
EZMESURE_DOMAIN the server domain
APPLI_APACHE_SERVERADMIN the admin of the server
EZMESURE_AUTH_SECRET secret for JWT signing
ELASTICSEARCH_PASSWORD password of the elastic user
EZMESURE_SMTP_HOST host of the SMTP server
EZMESURE_NOTIFICATIONS_SENDER the sender for emails issued by ezMESURE
EZMESURE_NOTIFICATIONS_RECIPIENTS recipients of the recent activity email
EZMESURE_NOTIFICATIONS_SUPPORT_RECIPIENTS recipients of the recent activity email
EZMESURE_NOTIFICATIONS_CRON cron for recent activity (defaults to daily midnight)
REPORTING_SENDER the sender for reporting emails

If all services are not hosted on the same machine, set the following variables (URLs should not have trailing slashes) :

name description
EZMESURE_FRONT_URL Base URL of the front website. Must be reachable by the reverse proxy.
EZMESURE_API_URL Base URL of the API. Must be reachable by the reverse proxy.
EZMESURE_REPORTING_URL Base URL of the reporting service. Must be reachable by Kibana.
KIBANA_INTERNAL_URL Kibana URL used by the reporting service in order to access dashboards. Must pass through the reverse proxy (ie. RP address + /kibana).
EZMESURE_KIBANA_HOST Kibana host. Must be reachable by the reverse proxy and the API.
EZMESURE_ELASTIC_HOST Elasticsearch host. Must be reachable by the API and reporting service
EZMESURE_ELASTIC_PORT Elasticsearch port.

3. Configure shibboleth

Put the certificate (server.crt) and private key (server.key) used to declare the Shibboleth service provider in the fédération d'identités Education-Recherche in rp/shibboleth/ssl/.

NB: the private key is critical and should not be shared.

Additionally, set the environment variables SHIBBOLETH_SP_URL and SHIBBOLETH_DS_URL with the URL of the service provider and discovery service. Those variables are not necessary if you disable Shibboleth authentication (see below).

Disabling Shibboleth

If you don't need the shibboleth authentication, set the EZMESURE_DISABLE_SHIBBOLETH environment variable to any value. If you already started ezMESURE, rebuild the front service and restart front and rp :

docker-compose up -d --force-recreate front
docker-compose restart rp

4. Setup Elastic certificates

For each node in the cluster, add certificates in elasticsearch/config/certificates/. Kibana should also have certificates in kibana/config/certificates. If you don't have them yet, you can generate them by following these steps :

  • Open the certs directory.
  • Create an instances.yml file. A helper script is available at tools/
  • Run docker-compose -f create-certs.yml run --rm create_certs.
  • A file should be created, just unzip it in the certificates directory (NB: you may need to chown it) :
    • unzip -d ../elasticsearch/config/certificates/
    • unzip -d ../kibana/config/certificates/

5. Adjust system configuration for Elasticsearch

Elasticsearch has some system requirements that you should check.

To avoid memory exceptions, you may have to increase maps count. Edit /etc/sysctl.conf and add the following line :

# configuration needed for elastic search

Then apply the changes :

sysctl -p

Start / Stop / Status

Before you start ezMESURE, make sure all necessary environment variables are set.

# Start ezMESURE as daemon
docker-compose up -d

# Stop ezMESURE
docker-compose stop

# Get the status of ezMESURE services
docker-compose ps


Log in

Navigate to and log in with your identity provider. The first time you log into ezMESURE, you'll get a mail with your Kibana credentials.

If the Shibboleth authentication is not enabled, users should be created via the Kibana management page. You can sign in with the elastic superuser to achieve this. Users can then log into ezMESURE using their Kibana credentials.

Get your authentication token

An authentication token is required in order to use the API. Once logged, grab your token from the authentication tab.

To use your token, add the following header to your requests: Authorization: Bearer <token> (replace <token> with your actual token)

Upload a file

To upload an EC result file in elastic-search, you need to POST it on the /api/logs/{index_name} route. For example :

curl -v -X POST https://localhost/api/logs/test-index -F "files[]=@114ee1d0_2016-03-31_10h53.job-ecs.csv" -H "Authorization: Bearer <token>"

You can then issue a GET request on the /api/logs route to list your indices :

curl -X GET https://localhost/api/logs -H "Authorization: Bearer <token>"

Visualize your data

Now you can access the Kibana instance on https://localhost/kibana/ and start building dashboards.


The ezMESURE API is documented here : https://localhost/api-reference

Dev mode


1. Install local dependencies

You should install local dependencies with npm in api and front directory;

ezmesure/api npm i

ezmesure/front npm i

If you want to start ezmesure in docker mode, you need to install sharp in the container

$ rm -rf ./api/node_modules
$ docker compose -f docker-compose.debug.yml run --rm api npm i

2. Source environnement variable

You should source for the following and before each start.


3. Install SSL certificates

use mkcert for local development

ezMESURE uses an Apache reverse proxy which communicates with HTTPS only. Put the SSL certificate (server.pem) and private key (server.key) in rp/apache2/ssl.

4. Setup https for kibana and elastic

ezmesure request to elastic in https, to do that, you need to create certificate.

Before that, you need to create instances.yml file, you need to use a script that will help you to create that in This script will pre-fill the necessary fields.


Adding new instance
  Name: <Name>
  IP: <IP>
  Hostname: <Hostname>
Instance added to ./tools/../certs/instances.yml
Add another instance (Y/n) ? n

Once the file is created, you need to add elastic in dns and you can generate the certificates.

ezmesure/certs docker-compose -f create-certs.yml run --rm create_certs

Once the certificates are generated, they must be unzipped and placed in the right folders.

ezmesure/certs sudo unzip -d ../elasticsearch/config/certificates/
ezmesure/certs sudo unzip -d ../kibana/config/certificates/

5. Setup local DNS (for dev with Shibboleth)

The Shibboleth authentication process requires the user to be located at If working on localhost, add the following line into /etc/hosts:

On top of that, you have to override the environment variable EZMESURE_DISABLE_SHIBBOLETH on


Don't forget to restore the environment variables after the modification.

6. Prepare start

Before launching ezmesure, you have to create the elastic container and launch the database migration, for that you have to use these commands :

docker compose -f docker-compose.debug.yml run --rm elastic chown -R elasticsearch /usr/share/elasticsearch/
docker compose -f docker-compose.migrate.yml up
docker compose -f docker-compose.migrate.yml down

7. Start

docker-compose -f docker-compose.debug.yml up -d

8. Database update

If you have updated the database schema, you need to migrate your database :

# node
npx prisma db push
# docker
docker compose -f docker-compose.debug.yml run --rm api npx prisma db push

9. Test

To start test, make sur you have a ezmesure started in dev mode

docker compose exec api npm run test


Platform aggregating suscribed electronic ressources usage statistics of the French reasearcher organizations



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