Find and read your favourite songs' lyrics by (part of the) text, Autor and title or by listening to your song!
or download latest F-Droid version from here
This project is a Flutter exercise but it's a complete app and it leverages some flutter features such as:
- Multiple Providers
- Multiple Routers
- Full Localization
Lyrics uses some third party libraries such as:
- provider - for state management
- smooth_page_indicator - For Onboarding screen navigation
- xml2json - for XML to JSON conversion
- logger - for logging
- sqflite - for database management
- flutter_acrcloud - For sound recognition
- flutter_icons - For app icons generation
- package_info_plus - To show build information
- sqlbrite - Local database
- firebase_core - For Firebase usage
- cloud_firestore - For cloud storage
- firebase_auth - For authentication
- genius_api_unofficial - Genius Lyrics API
- beautiful_soup_dart - Web scraping
- font_awesome_flutter - Icons collection
- (feature) Search, pagination and ordering for favorites page
- (fix) Create an id (hash?) independent from which service has been used to find lyric (at the moment the numeric ID is used, which is specific for each service)
- ...
- (feature) Database repository 2022/11/04
- (fix) Fix sound recognition
- (feature) Implement show build infos
- (feature) Implement graphics theme (dark and light)
- (feature) swipe to delete favorite
- (feature) Implement Users Registration, Login and profile management via Firebase
- (fix) Use different graphic elements based on active theme
- (feature) Implement Genius Proxy
- (fix) Double onboarding?
flutter gen-l10n
flutter pub run flutter_launcher_icons:main
flutter build appbundle
flutter build apk flutter build apk --release
flutter clean
adb -s emulator-5554 shell
run-as it.zitzusoft.lyrics_2 cd /data/user/0/it.zitzusoft.lyrics_2/app_flutter/ sqlite3 lyrics.db
View tables list
.schema favorites
describe table favorites
.schema settings
describe table settings