Omelette is a simple template based autocompletion tool for Node and Deno projects with super easy API.
yarn add omelette
# or
npm install omelette
You also can use Omelette with Deno:
import omelette from "";
You just have to decide your program name and CLI fragments.
omelette`github ${['pull', 'push']} ${['origin', 'upstream']} ${['master', 'develop']}`.init()
...and you are almost done! The output will look like this:
For a step by step guide please follow this link
Implementing omelette is very easy:
import * as omelette from 'omelette';
const firstArgument = ({ reply }) => {
reply([ 'beautiful', 'cruel', 'far' ])
const planet = ({ reply }) => {
reply([ 'world', 'mars', 'pluto' ])
omelette`hello|hi ${firstArgument} ${planet}`.init()
It's based on a simple CLI template.
Let's think we have a executable file with the name githubber, in a global path.
In our program, the code will be:
import * as omelette from 'omelette';
// Write your CLI template.
const completion = omelette(`githubber|gh <action> <user> <repo>`);
// Bind events for every template part.
completion.on('action', ({ reply }) => {
reply([ 'clone', 'update', 'push' ])
completion.on('user', ({ reply }) => {
completion.on('repo', ({ before, reply }) => {
// Initialize the omelette.
// If you want to have a setup feature, you can use `omeletteInstance.setupShellInitFile()` function.
if (~process.argv.indexOf('--setup')) {
// Similarly, if you want to tear down autocompletion, use `omeletteInstance.cleanupShellInitFile()`
if (~process.argv.indexOf('--cleanup')) {
// Rest is yours
console.log("Your program's default workflow.")
is the completion replier. You must pass the options into that method.
You can use Template Literals to define your completion with a simpler (super easy) API.
import * as omelette from 'omelette';
// Just pass a template literal to use super easy API.
omelette`hello ${[ 'cruel', 'nice' ]} ${[ 'world', 'mars' ]}`.init()
Let's make the example above with ES6 TL:
import * as omelette from 'omelette'
// Write your CLI template.
${[ 'clone', 'update', 'push' ]}
${() => fs.readdirSync('/Users/')}
${({ before }) => [
Also you can still use lambda functions to make more complex template literals:
import * as omelette from 'omelette';
${['pull', 'push', 'star'] /* Direct command list */}
${require('some/other/commands') /* Import from another file */}
${getFromRemote('') /* Remote call at the beginning */}
${({ reply }) => fetch('').then(reply) /* Fetch when argument <tab>bed */}
${() => fs.readdirSync("/Users/") /* Access filesystem via Node */}
${({ before }) => [ /* Use parameters like `before`, `line`, `fragment` or `reply` */
// No extra configuration required.
console.log("Your program's default workflow.")
Omelette allows you to use async
functions. You have to use onAsync
and to pass Promise
object to the reply
complete.onAsync('user', async ({ reply }) => {
reply(new Promise((resolve) => {
fs.readdir('/Users/', (err, users) => {
If you are using async handlers, you have to use
method to continue running your main workflow.
// ...
complete.onAsync('user', async ({ reply }) => {
reply(new Promise((resolve) => {
fs.readdir('/Users/', (err, users) => {
// Instead of running directly, you need to set an handler to run your main workflow.> {
console.log("Your program's default workflow.")
// .init must be called after defining .next
// ...
Using util.promisify
will make your async
handlers easier.
import promisify from 'util';
complete.onAsync('user', async ({ reply }) => {
reply(await promisify(fs.readdir)('/Users'))
You can use simple objects
as autocompletion definitions:
cruel: ['world', 'moon'],
beautiful: ['mars', 'pluto']
⚠️ Not available for Deno runtime. You can make your users to putyourprogram --completion | source
oryourprogram --completion-fish | source
args explicitly to their shell config file.
Installing and making your users install the autocompletion feature is very simple.
You can use simply use setupShellInitFile
try {
// Pick shell init file automatically
// Or use a manually defined init file
} catch (err) {
// setupShellInitFile() throws if the used shell is not supported
If you use Bash, it will create a file at ~/.<program-name>/
append a loader code to ~/.bash_profile
If you use Zsh, it appends a loader code to ~/.zshrc
If you use Fish, it appends a loader code to ~/.config/fish/
TL;DR: It does the Manual Install part, basically.
⚠️ Not available for Deno runtime. Your users need to remove the autocompletion setup script from their shell config files.
Similarly to installation, you can use cleanupShellInitFile
to undo changes done by setupShellInitFile
As with setupShellInitFile()
, wrap this in a try/catch
block to handle unsupported shells.
(You should add these instructions to your project's README, don't forget to replace myprogram
string with your own executable name)
In zsh, you should write these:
echo '. <(myprogram --completion)' >> ~/.zshrc
In bash:
On macOS, you may need to install bash-completion
using brew install bash-completion
myprogram --completion >> ~/.config/
echo 'source ~/.config/' >> ~/.bash_profile
In fish:
echo 'myprogram --completion-fish | source' >> ~/.config/fish/
That's all!
Now you have an autocompletion system for your CLI tool.
There are some useful additions to omelette.
Callbacks have two parameters:
- The fragment name (e.g.
template) (only in global event) - The meta data
: The number of fragment.before
: The previous word.line
: The whole command line buffer allow you to parse and reply as you wish.reply
: This is the reply function to use this-less API.
You can also listen to all fragments by "complete" event.
complete.on('complete', (fragment, { reply }) => reply(["hello", "world"]));
You can also listen to events in order.
complete.on('$1', ({ reply }) => reply(["hello", "world"]))
You can create a completion tree to more complex autocompletions.
how: {
much: {
is: {
this: ['car'],
that: ['house'],
are: ['you'],
many: ['cars', 'houses'],
where: {
are: {
you: ['from'],
the: ['houses', 'cars'],
is: {
// You can also add some logic with defining functions:
your() {
return ['house', 'car'];
Now, you will be able to use your completion as tree.
Thanks @jblandry for the idea.
You can seperate your autocompletion by importing objects from another file:
You can set a short name for an executable:
In this example, githubber
is long and gh
is short.
omelette('githubber|gh <module> <command> <suboption>');
Now you can try it in your shell.
git clone
cd omelette/example
alias githubber="./githubber" # The app should be global, completion will search it on global level.
./githubber --setup --debug # --setup is not provided by omelette, you should proxy it.
# (reload bash, or source ~/.bash_profile or ~/.config/fish/
omelette-debug-githubber # See Debugging section
ghb<tab> # short alias
gh<tab> # short alias
option generates a function called omelette-debug-<programname>
in this example).
When you run omelette-debug-<programname>
, it will create aliases for your
application. (githubber
and gh
in this example).
A long name:
$ githubber<tab>
clone update push
Or short name:
$ gh<tab>
clone update push
Then you can start easily.
$ ./githubber<tab>
clone update push
$ ./githubber cl<tab>
$ ./githubber clone<tab>
Guest fka
$ ./githubber clone fka<tab>
$ ./githubber clone fka<tab>
Omelette now supports and is useful with Deno. You can make your Deno based CLI tools autocomplete powered using Omelette. It's fully featured but setupShellInitFile
and cleanupShellInitFile
methods does not exist for now (to prevent requirement of allow-env
, allow-read
and allow-write
Assume we have a hello.js
import omelette from "";
const complete = omelette("hello <action>");
complete.on("action", function ({ reply }) {
reply(["world", "mars", "jupiter"]);
// your CLI program
Install your program using deno install
deno install hello.js
hello --completion | source # bash and zsh installation
hello --completion-fish | source # fish shell installation
That's all! Now you have autocompletion feature!
hello <tab><tab>
- Office 365 CLI uses Omelette to support autocompletion in office365-cli.
- Visual Studio App Center CLI uses Omelette to support autocompletion in appcenter-cli.
I need your contributions to make that work better!
This project licensed under MIT.