⚠️ This project is deprecated and no longer maintained starting from 2022/12/06. Initially it was created as a bootstrap for the "Setup <tool>" action and composite action didn't exist at that time. But with the release of composite action it became even easier to write "Setup <tool>" GitHub actions and maintaining TypeScript project for this purpose is just a waste and toil. So, please use composite action instead.
Are you going to create a new GitHub action that will set up some tool in a pipeline and don't know how to start? This template project is exactly for you! All what you need to do is:
- Create a new repository from this template project.
- Follow the instructions.
- Done 😎
This template project is based on fabasoad/typescript-action template repository but with additional logic related to "setup" functionality. What does it mean actually? It means that you can configure GitHub Action that will set up some tool in a pipeline. Good examples are setup-wren-action, setup-kitten-action, setup-mint-action and many others that you can find here.