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Venn Diagrams

license standard-readme compliant

Venn Diagrams visualizes set operations with up to 4 sets.

This tool, developed at and for the University of Applied Science Brandenburg, is meant to help students learning set operations by visualizing these. Operations can be tested by utilising the intuitive virtual keyboard. To get operations resulting in a desired set, in the diagram the set can be selected and the operations be generated.

If you like to contribute or found a bug please don't be shy and check out the Contributing section.

Table of Contents


There is no data collected wether you use the online or offline version. Anything you do with this tool only is available as long as you keep your browser or the app open. A refresh resets the site to its initial state.


This tool is developed using Gatsby.js which itself relies on React.js. The deployment is handled by Netlify and the CI by TravisCI.


Installation is usually not necessary. Just use the online version.

If you require an offline version, download the provided archive for your operating system and unzip it to a desired location.

Then start the executable named venn-diagram on Linux / OS X or venn-diagram.exe on Windows.


  1. Adjust the settings as you please


Select the number of sets you want to work with.

Choose a color for the diagram or stay with the default.

  1. Start playing by:

    1. Trying out set operations


      Use the virtual keyboard to enter operations. This prevents errors on input.

      Then click the < enter key on the keyboard or press Evaluate.

    2. Generating set operations based on the diagram


      Click some sets in the diagram.

      Then hit the Generate button.



See the contributers file.

Special thanks go to all developers of our used dependencies and tools and to our university for the idea and support for creating this tool.


If you make changes to code please stay with the current code style. It's the conventional JavaScript code style.


  • Help with code cleanup

    There are some unnecessary lines of code and comments and even hole unused files.

  • Unify visualization components

    Because of the incremental development steps there is some discrepancy in the visualization between the one-set and the other set diagrams. This could be optimized.

  • Add translations

    There could be more translations. You can start be copying on of the YAML files at src/langs and translate them.

Pull Requests

Pull Requests are happily accepted but use this template. Otherwise it will be rejected.

Don't forget to add yourself to the contributers file!

Small note: If editing the Readme, please conform to the standard-readme specification.
