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fabiencrassat / My Curriculum Vitae with Nuxt

Renovate enabled Pipeline Quality Gate Status Coverage

Welcome to the fabiencrassat's Curriculum Vitae source code - a development with the NuxtJs framework.



Clone the repository

git clone

Then install the packages

cd cv-with-nuxt

Run it!

yarn dev
# or in the offline mode
yarn dev:offline

Go to http://localhost:3000/fabien


The product source code is structured with:

  ├── config          # Built and runtime configuration.
  ├── lib             # All codes used into the application but that **do not use nuxt and vue**.
  ├── scripts         # All files called in the `package.json` script section.
  └── src
      ├── assets      # All static files that need to be served without i18n.
      ├── components  # All codes imported in the `src/pages/` files, **using nuxt and vue**.
      ├── locales     # All i18n json files.
      ├── pages       # All the application pages called with URL, served with **nuxt** and **i18n**.
      ├── resources   # All resources to build the curriculum vitae.
      └── static      # All public files that can be link from the root website.

Testing files conventions

To group test files, they are following a naming convention:

  • *.test.js are test files name for Javascript files (eg. .js)
  • *.spec.js are test files name for Vue files (eg. *.vue)
  • *.spec.ts are test files name for Typescript files (eg. *.ts)

Start like production

This site is a static website. So to replicate what is deployed on the website there are some things to do first.

yarn generate
yarn start:static

And open the page: http://localhost:3000/fabien

Before commit

GitHub Workflow

To ensure the Github CI CD pipeline will stay green, launch the following command before committing and have no error.

yarn lint & yarn test:coverage

Exclude some files

Adding some files in the root or config folder will change how the pipeline or test coverage will work.
In this case and depending on the context, exclude these files:

Exclude in Why
config/jest.config.js For the coverage in the key collectCoverageFrom.
.gitignore Files not used in the version control system.
.vercelignore Files not used in the vercel deployment. For the coverage in the key sonar.coverage.exclusions.

Code Analysis

HTML & A11Y validator

In two shell windows:

  1. Start like production

  2. Run the validation

    yarn validate:pages

The source code of the pages from src/pages for each language is output in build/html-pages.

If there are some exceptions to exclude, add entries in config/validators.config.js.


SonarQube Installation [Local Only]

If you want to know about your code analysis, you can use SonarQube for that. To do so:

SonarQube Usage [Local Only]

Do the SonarQube Installation before starting any developments in order to know how it will change the metrics.

Each time you want to know about your quality code, launch a scan with the following command in the cv-with-nuxt folder! And you will have your evolution ;)

# Start the server if needed
# Create coverage reports
yarn test:coverage
# Launch the scan
<SONARQUBE SCANNER BIN PATH>\sonar-scanner.bat;

Google Chrome Lighthouse

Lighthouse Server [Local Only]

If you want to know about your code audit, you can use Google Chrome Lighthouse for that. To do so, use the docker image already published:

The docker command is wrong for Windows, use instead:

docker container run --publish 9001:9001 --mount source=lhci-data,target=/data --detach patrickhulce/lhci-server

It will create a container server you can access at http://localhost:9001/.

Then initialize the project inside the server:

yarn lhci wizard
? Which wizard do you want to run? new-project
? What is the URL of your LHCI server? http://localhost:9001/
? What would you like to name the project? cv-with-nuxt
? Where is the project's code hosted?
? What branch is considered the repo's trunk or main branch? master
Created project cv-with-nuxt (9461df84-ee42-4868-9061-62a8391c7fec)!
Use token xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx to add data.
Use admin token xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx to manage data. KEEP THIS SECRET!

Use the LHCI server URL and the token xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx in your .env file.


Lighthouse Usage [Local Only]

Do the Lighthouse Usage before starting any developments in order to know how it will change the metrics.

Each time you want to know about your audit code, launch an audit with the following command in the cv-with-nuxt folder! And you will have your evolution ;)

if needed, configure your CHROME_PATH in your .env file.

yarn generate
yarn start:static

And in another shell:

yarn validate:lighthouse


  • Configuration
    • Move all configuration files (Babel, Nuxt, Vercel) into config/ folder.
  • Build
    • Optimize the Sonar cache folders (~/.sonar/cache, .scannerwork) in the GitHub pipeline.
    • Fix in config/lighthouserc.js the exception assertions.
    • Stop CI when a warning is present in the yarn generate command.
  • Test
  • Product
    • Add a reading progress bar
  • Extra
    • Add vue-styleguidist package.

SVG images

The SVG images library comes from
