Execute calls in debounced batches, with pre/postflush hooks, useful for performance.
My initial use case for this was: I have a React application that will be re-rendered every time files in a particular folder changes, but there could be hundreds of those changes in 1s and that means hundreds of re-renders, so in order to avoid that the functions that should be called because of these changes are executed in batches and before each batch I'm pausing re-renders and after each batch I'm resuming re-renders.
npm install calls-batch
import CallsBatch from 'calls-batch';
// Let's create a new batch
const batch = new CallsBatch ({
preflush () {}, // Function to call before all the batched calls are executed
postflush () {}, // Function to call before all the batched calls are executed
wait: 100 // Debounce wait
// Let's define a function to batch later on
function foo () {}
// Enqueuing some calls to "foo", with optional arguments
batch.add ( foo );
batch.add ( foo, [1] );
batch.add ( foo, [1, 2, 'foo'] );
// Let's automatically make a batched version of "foo", which will automatically enqueue calls to "foo" with the provided arguments when called
const fooWrapped = batch.wrap ( foo );
// Let's automatically add a call to "foo" with the provided arguments to the batch
fooWrapped ( 1 );
// Let's force all the enqueued calls to happen immediately
batch.flush ();
MIT © Fabio Spampinato