An isomorphic syntax highlighter for Glow.
The interesting thing about glow
is that it's a microscopic syntax highlighter based on hard-coded heuristics, rather than grammars, and it can achieve a pretty decent syntax highlighting. Basically in the situations where the quality of the syntax highlighting that you get is good enough you can use glow
to cut down on bundle sizes and/or dependencies massively.
This supports all the rendering modes that tokens-highlighter
supports, being built on top of that too.
npm install --save glow-highlighter
import Highlighter from 'glow-highlighter';
// First of all let's create a theme to use, which requires just a handful of colors
const THEME_DARK = {
base: '#E1E4E8',
primary: '#B392F0',
secondary: '#9ECBFF',
accent: '#F97583',
char: '#E1E4E8',
comment: '#6A737D',
error: '#ff0000',
special: '#FFAB70',
marked: '#F9758329'
const THEME_LIGHT = {
base: '#24292E',
primary: '#6F42C1',
secondary: '#032F62',
accent: '#D73A49',
char: '#24292E',
comment: '#6A737D',
error: '#ff0000',
special: '#E36209',
marked: '#D73A4929'
// Now we can instantate and use the highlighter
const highlighter = new Highlighter ();
// Rendering some code to HTML
const html = await highlighter.highlightToHTML ({
code: 'const foo = "bar";',
language: 'js',
// Rendering some code to DOM nodes directly (client-only)
const node = await highlighter.highlightToDOM ({
code: 'const foo = "bar";',
language: 'js',
// Rendering some code to ANSI, for the terminal
const ansi = await highlighter.highlightToANSI ({
code: 'const foo = "bar";',
language: 'js',
// Rendering some code to a single <pre> element containing a single Text node (client-only)
const [node, dispose] = await highlighter.highlightToHighlights ({
code: 'const foo = "bar";',
language: 'js',
dispose (); // The dispose function cleans up all the CSS Custom Highlights, allowing the nodes to be garbage collected
// Doing low-level tokenization, for custom rendering
const lines = [
'function sum ( a, b ) {',
' return a + b;',
const abortController = new AbortController ();
const abortSignal = abortController.signal;
const linesTokens = await highlighter.tokenize ( lines, 'js', THEME_DARK, abortSignal, ( lineTokens, lineIndex ) => {
console.log ( 'Line tokens:', lineTokens );
console.log ( 'Line index:', lineIndex );
MIT © Fabio Spampinato