Command line utility for purging data from Azure Storage Tables
Important: Only works for tables using "ticks ascending with leading zero padded with zeroes" as PartitionKey
Deleting lots of entities is very time consuming - we have to fetch first in order to delete them. Ideally we should partition the data into multiple tables (i.e. daily, monthly) then there is no need to fetch entities and entire tables can be deleted.
$ bin/azp table --help
Commands for Azure Storage Table purge
azp table [command]
Available Commands:
populate Add dummy data to Azure Storage Table
purge Purges entities older than purgeEntitiesOlderThanDays
--account-key string The storage account key
--account-name string The storage account name
-h, --help help for table
--table-name string The storage table name
Global Flags:
-v, --verbosity string Log level (debug, info, warn, error, fatal, panic (default "info")
Use "azp table [command] --help" for more information about a command.
azp table purge \
--account-name $STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME \
--account-key $STORAGE_ACCOUNT_KEY \
--table-name "logs" \
--num-workers 64 \
--num-days-to-keep 30 \
-v info
azp table populate \
--account-name $STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME \
--account-key $STORAGE_ACCOUNT_KEY \
--table-name "logs" \
-v info \
--max-num-entities 1 \
--start-year 2019