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Data-driven Thresholding in Denoising with Spectral Graph Wavelet Transform.

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Data-driven Thresholding in Denoising with Spectral Graph Wavelet Transform

The codes in this repository implement an efficient generalization of the Stein’s Unbiased Risk Estimate (SURE) for signal denoising/regression on graphs using Spectral Graph Wavelet Transform Hammond, Vandergheynst, and Gribonval (2011). In particular, they allow to reproduce the simulations presented in de Loynes, Navarro, and Olivier (2021).


The codes are based on the gasper package De Loynes, Navarro, and Olivier (2020). To install the package, download the latest version and run the following command in a terminal:

R CMD INSTALL --build gasper_1.1.1.tar.gz

Another possibility is to install the development version:


or the CRAN version:


NOTE Avoid gasper version 1.1.0 which contains an error in the laplacian_mat function (for full matrices).

The package and code execution require the installation of the following external libraries:

package_list <- c("scatterplot3d",

Install missing packages:

isinstall <- sapply(package_list, 
                    function(x) x %in% rownames(installed.packages()))
sapply(package_list[!isinstall], install.packages)

For figure_pitt.R, the package sf is required. This package depends on some dev libraries from your distribution (libgdal-dev and libudunits2-dev for Ubuntu 18.04).

The matlab scripts are thoses provided by the authors of Wang et al. (2016) and satisfy the same dependencies.

All the data files associated with the noisy realizations of the signals considered for the various graphs as well as the results of the simulations are contained in the folders with the names of the considered graphs.

Reproduction of figures and tables

Below, all the information are gathered to reproduce the numerical results presented in the paper.


The comparisons made with graph trend filtering (GTF) involves the matlab and python codes available on the webpage of one of the authors (i.e. via this url, and

For k = 0, the R genlasso package was also used. In particular, for the simulations corresponding to the Pittsbug graph using the data of Wang et al. (2016) as well as Figure 4. The major difference between the R package and the matlab code lies in the algorithm for solving the underlying optimization problem. Indeed, the matlab code is based on the methodology and C++ code developed in Chambolle and Darbon (2009) and therefore is much faster than the R package.

Since the calculations can be long (e.g. several days for the numerical experiments performed for the facebook graph for k > 0), the results have been stored in .mat files and the scripts to regenerate them are also provided.

The Minnesota Roads Graph

Load figure_minnesota.R to reproduce Figure 1.


The results (associated with our methodology) presented in the table 1 have been stored in the files res001A2MC10.Rdata and res0001A4MC10.Rdata. The table can be regenerated by running the script res2LaTeXtable.R

#> % latex table generated in R 3.5.2 by xtable 1.8-3 package
#> % Tue Feb 16 17:34:53 2021
#> \begin{table}[ht]
#> \centering
#> \begin{tabular}{rlll}
#>   \hline
#>  & A1 & A2 & A3 \\ 
#>   \hline
#> 1 & 16.07+-0.13 & 10.05+-0.13 & 4.03+-0.13 \\ 
#>   2 & 19.04+-0.24 & 14.22+-0.26 & 9.46+-0.26 \\ 
#>   3 & 20.07+-0.24 & 15.6+-0.3 & 10.69+-0.3 \\ 
#>   4 & 18.96+-0.27 & 14.16+-0.29 & 9.46+-0.26 \\ 
#>   5 & 20.04+-0.37 & 15.49+-0.43 & 10.64+-0.32 \\ 
#>   6 & 19.1+-0.24 & 14.28+-0.27 & 9.58+-0.27 \\ 
#>   7 & 20.08+-0.24 & 15.61+-0.29 & 10.72+-0.3 \\ 
#>   8 & 19.1+-0.24 & 14.26+-0.26 & 9.48+-0.24 \\ 
#>   9 & 20.01+-0.31 & 15.51+-0.36 & 10.61+-0.39 \\ 
#>   10 & 17.02+-0.12 & 11.89+-0.13 & 7.45+-0.15 \\ 
#>   11 & 17.05+-0 & 11.9+-0 & 7.44+-0 \\ 
#>    \hline
#> \end{tabular}
#> \end{table}

The realizations are stored in the three table_minesota_f*_sig*.mat*.mat files (one file per noise level/signal). The results corresponding to trend filtering (k = 0, 1, 2) appearing in the table 1 are obtained by running the script table_minesota_trend.m.

The set of values that the regularization parameter can take is the same length as the one used for our methodology (i.e. the number of nodes in the graph). It allows to avoid the need to manually calibrate the bounds and the grid step for the GTF.

In addition, computations for our methodology can be run from the files table_minnesota_nonp.R.


A parallel version is also available in table_minnesota.R (with DoMC to be tuned according to your hardware). Though, this version can not be run in GUI mode!

The Facebook Graph

Run facebook_randWalkPoisson.m to reproduce Figure 2. The results associated with the level dependent SGWT can be regenerated by executing the script facebookR.R. Those for the trend part by executing facebook_randWalk.m, facebook_poisson_sparse.m and facebook_poisson_dense.m (they are extracted from the sources and require the matlab toolbox mentioned in the Note). The execution of each script takes between 3 to 4 days on a standard laptop. Note also that, for the calibration of the trend regularization parameter, an exhaustive search on a set of values similar in lenth to the set used with the Donoho trick for our methodology (i.e. 4039) is not feasible here. The boundaries and the number of grid points correspond to those present in the original matlab code file provided by the authors of Wang et al. (2016).

Figure 3 can be regenerated by running the script facebookb2.m.

The Pittsburgh Census Tract Graph

Load figure_pitt.R to reproduce the figure of the Pittsburgh graph.

#> [1] "Input SNR_in=1.97dB"
#> [1] "Oracle Trend filtering SNR=7.17dB (20.85s)"
#> [1] "Oracle SGWT beta=2 SNR=9.75dB (1.27s)"

Comparison results using the data from the “Graph Trend Filtering” paper example are reproducible by running the pitt_f_y_formGTF.R file. The pittsburgh.mat file (containing f and y) comes from the code associated with the GTF paper and was downloaded here (i.e. gft_code folder here, then stored in the pittsburgh.rda file. The adjacency matrix associated with the Pittsburgh graph was obtained from the Exp_10copies_several_wavelets.m script accessible via the same url.


For this example and the figure of the Pittsburgh graph, we have added a comparison of calculation times between the two methods (although this was not mentioned in the article). For one run our approach requires less than 1 second (on a standard laptop, Intel Core i7@2.7GHz-16Go LP-DDR3@2133MHz) and the fused lasso (with a default maximum iteration number of 2000) about 20. For the ten runs, our approach requires less than 2 seconds and the fused lasso about 4 minutes. For our approach most of the computation time is driven by the diagonalization and construction of the frame, but these only need to be computed once. The evaluation of the SURE afterwards is very fast. For the fused lasso, when the number of iterations has to be increased (to ensure convergence), calculation times may increase considerably. Note that the use of the C++ provided by Chambolle and Darbon (2009) makes it possible to compensate for this computational cost for trend filtering with k = 0. Therefore, in order to facilitate the execution of table_minnesota.R and table_pitt.R we have parallelized the code.

The results (associated with our methodology) in table 2 have been stored in the file resPitt.Rdata, the table can be regenerated by running the script res2LaTeXtable.R (uncomment the line corresponding to the file path).


The corresponding realizations are stored in the three table_pitt_sig*.mat files (one file per noise level). The results for the trend filtering (k = 0, 1, 2) as well as two other wavelet estimators of Sharpnack, Singh, and Krishnamurthy (2013) appearing in the table 1 are obtained by running the script table_pitt_trend.m. For comparison, this script also provides the two other wavelet approaches considered in Wang et al. (2016).

In addition, calculations (associated with our methodology) can be re-run from the files table_pitt.R.


Real Dataset: New York City Taxis

The results presented in section Real Dataset: New York City Taxis are reproducible by executing the script nyc.R.


Correlated Noise

The results presented in section Correlated Noise correlated noise are reproducible by running the script colored.R.


Further Experiments with Block Thresholding

The tests performed for the block method are in the script blockPitt.R.



Chambolle, Antonin, and Jérôme Darbon. 2009. “On Total Variation Minimization and Surface Evolution Using Parametric Maximum Flows.” International Journal of Computer Vision 84 (3): 288.

de Loynes, Basile, Fabien Navarro, and Baptiste Olivier. 2021. “Data-Driven Thresholding in Denoising with Spectral Graph Wavelet Transform.” Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 389: 113319.

De Loynes, Basile, Fabien Navarro, and Baptiste Olivier. 2020. Gasper: GrAph Signal Processing in R. arXiv Preprint arXiv:2007.10642.

Hammond, David K, Pierre Vandergheynst, and Rémi Gribonval. 2011. “Wavelets on Graphs via Spectral Graph Theory.” Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis 30 (2): 129–50.

Sharpnack, James, Aarti Singh, and Akshay Krishnamurthy. 2013. “Detecting Activations over Graphs Using Spanning Tree Wavelet Bases.” In Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (Aistats-13), 536–44.

Wang, Yu-Xiang, James Sharpnack, Alexander J. Smola, and Ryan J. Tibshirani. 2016. “Trend Filtering on Graphs.” J. Mach. Learn. Res. 17: Paper No. 105, 41.