This release was automatically created by the Git Actions workflow corresponding to directory .github in the repository.
The output are the references of the latest stage3 archive and minimal Gentoo install ISO that were tested OK for portage dependencies.
File downloaded.iso is the custom MKG install ISO built from these references, to be used in a VirtualBox machine.
To create an updated Gentoo distribution, start a Gentoo 64-bit machine with the following specifications:
2 CPU cores and 10GB of virtual RAM
a new VDI SATA disk of at least 55 GB
downloaded.iso as an attached IDE optical disk as live CD
non-EFI bootloader.
Once the build is completed, the VM will shut down automatically.
You can then clone the VDI disk into a functional Gentoo block device /dev/sdX using guestfish, qemu or:
# ./mkg from_vm vm=name_of_your_VB_machine hot_install ext_device=sdX
Alternatively, you can create an install ISO and a CloneZilla installer medium /dev/sdX by running:
# ./mkg from_vm vm=name_of_your_VB_machine device_installer ext_device=sdX gentoo.iso
You can also perform this step manually by starting another Gentoo 64-bit machine with the following specifications:
4 GB of virtual RAM
the VDI disk already used in the above procedure attached as a SATA device
clonezilla_with_virtualbox.iso downloaded from the companion Github project clonezila_with_virtualbox and attached as an IDE device as live CD
non-EFI bootloader.
This new machine will shut down automatically and the ISOFILES directory will contain the CloneZilla image.
You can then use this image with a CloneZilla CD to install Gentoo onto any adequate device.