bash library for gentoo utils
Just source it!
source etools
provided function are the following:
einfo <info>
ewarn <warning>
eerror <error>
etools_smart_find <package name> [repo]
# repo can be a path relative to /var/db/repos/ or a full path
# default will be /var/db/repos/ so all repos will be searched
eools_get_version <package name> [offset]
# offset will output the <offset> latest version
# eg.: when 1.2.3 is latest offset 1 will result in a version 1 beneath 1.2.2-r2 for example
etools_current_version <package> [index]
# get currently installed version of a package
# it'll show all version, by specifying the index the n'th version starting at 0 will be displayed
# btw feel free to time all of them ;)
etools searches for a configuration file at the following locations:
Look at the exmaple configuration file for an example with all configuration options.
For the default values take a look at
NOTE: Letting already set options fallback to defaults will not work, as defaults only get set when the relative variables are undefined. To force reload:
source etools
They say "A picture is worth a thousand words", so here ya go:
This script reads all packages in your world file and runs etools_smart_find with the name of the package
while IFS= read -r line; do
if [[ ${line%% *} == ${line##* } ]]; then
echo -e "${line%% *} \e[32mpassed\e[0m";
echo -e "${line%% *} \e[31mFAILED\e[0m";
done <<< $(
for pkg in $(cat /var/lib/portage/world); do
echo -n "$pkg ";
etools_smart_find $(echo $pkg | awk -F'/' '{print $2}');