NOTE please use one of these repositories instead:
- fabric8-pipeline-library provides a set of reusable Jenkins Pipeline steps and functions that you can reuse inside your
via the @Library annotation - fabric8-jenkinsfile-library provides a set of reusable
files you can use on your projects. TheJenkinfile
s resue the [fabric8-pipeline-library]( and they are used by the Developer Console when creating projects or choosing pipelines.
Table of Contents
- Fabric8 Jenkins Pipeline Library
This git repository contains a library of reusable Jenkins Pipeline scripts that can be used on a project.
The idea is to try promote sharing of scripts across projects where it makes sense.
You can then either
- reuse any of the flows as is
- fork this repository and make your own changes (hopefully submitting a Pull Request back)
- copy flows from this project into your own projects source code where you can modify it further
These flows make use of the Fabric8 DevOps Pipeline Steps and kubernetes-pipeline-plugin which help when working with Fabric8 DevOps in particular for clean integration with the Hubot chat bot and human approval of staging, promotion and releasing.
With the Jenkins global library we can take advantage from a shared library of reusable scripts. When the fabric8 Jenkins app is run, we use a kubernetes post start script to populate the Jenkins internal global library with scripts from this repo. We are then able to easily call the groovy functions from within our Jenkinsfiles.
NOTE Hopefully we will switch to using Kubernetes initContainers when they're available to help with this.
These scripts are baked into the fabric8 jenkins docker image during the fabric8 release however you can override this repo by updating the parameters when running the Jenkins app from the fabric8 console.
- requests approval in a pipeline
- hubot integration prompting chat room for approvals including links to environments
- sends events to elasticsearch if running in a configured namespace, this helps OOTB charting of approval wait times
version = '0.0.1'
console = ''
environment = 'staging'
- applies a kubernetes json resource to the host OpenShift / Kubernetes cluster
- lazily creates the environment if it doesn't already exist
stagedProject = 'my-project'
resourceLocation = 'target/classes/kubernetes.json'
environment = 'staging'
in the case of an aborted approval
- will drop the an OSS sonartype staged repository
- close any pull requests that have been created based on the release
- delete the branch relating to the PR mentioned above
stagedProject = project
pullRequestId = '1234'
- returns a default OpenShift templates that gets translated into Kubernetes List when applied by kubernetes-workflow apply step and running on Kubernetes
- returns a service and replication controller JSON using sensible defaults
- can be used in conjunction with kubernetesApply
node {
def rc = getKubernetesJson {
port = 8080
label = 'node'
icon = ''
version = '0.0.1'
kubernetesApply(file: rc, environment: 'my-cool-app-staging', registry: '')
- returns the short git sha for the current project to be used as a version
def newVersion = getNewVersion{}
- creates a release branch
- sets the maven pom versions using versions-maven-plugin
- runs
mvn deploy docker:build
- generates maven site and deploys it to the content repository
version = canaryVersion
- lazily creates a test environment in kubernetes
- runs maven integration tests in test environment
environment = 'Testing'
failIfNoTests = 'false'
itestPattern = '*KT'
- adds a [merge] comment to a github pull request
- waits for GitHub pull request to be merged by an external CI system
project = 'fabric8/fabric8'
pullRequestId = prId
- generic function used by non Java based project
- gets a new version based on the short git sha
- builds docker image using a Dockerfile in the root of the project
- tags the image with the release version and prefixes the private fabric8 docker registry for the current namespace
- if running in a multi node cluster will perform a docker push. Not needed in a single node setup as image built and cached locally
stage 'Canary release'
echo 'NOTE: running pipelines for the first time will take longer as build and base docker images are pulled onto the node'
if (!fileExists ('Dockerfile')) {
writeFile file: 'Dockerfile', text: 'FROM django:onbuild'
def newVersion = performCanaryRelease {}
- utility function returning the JSON contents of a REST Get request
def apiUrl = new URL("${}/pulls/${id}")
JsonSlurper rs = restGetURL{
authString = githubToken
url = apiUrl
During a release involving multiple java projects we often need to update downstream maven poms with new versions of a dependency. In a release pipeline we want to automate this, set up a pull request and let CI run to make sure there's no conflicts.
- performs a search and replace in the maven pom
- finds the latest version available in maven central (repo is configurable)
- if newer version exists pom is updated
- pull request submitted
- pipeline will wait until this is merged before continuing
If CI fails and updates are required as a result of the dependency upgrade then
- pipeline will notify a chat room (we use Slack)
- informs the team of the git commands needed to clone, switch to the version update branch and command to push back once fixed
- pipeline will wait until the CI passes before continuing
Automating this has saved us a lot of time during the release pipeline
def properties = []
properties << ['<fabric8.version>','io/fabric8/kubernetes-api']
properties << ['<docker.maven.plugin.version>','io/fabric8/docker-maven-plugin']
updates = properties
repository = source // if null defaults to
project = 'fabric8io/ipaas-quickstarts'
When working with open source java projects we need to stage artifacts with OSS Sonartype in order to promote them into maven central. This can take 10-30 mins depending on the size of the artifacts being synced.
A useful thing is to be notified in chat when artifacts are available in maven central as blocking the pipeine until we're sure the promote has worked.
- polls waiting for artifacts to be available in maven central
waitUntilArtifactSyncedWithCentral {
repo = ''
groupId = 'io.fabric8.archetypes'
artifactId = 'archetypes-catalog'
version = '0.0.1'
ext = 'jar'
During a CD pipeline we often need to wait for external events to complete before continuing. One of the most common events we have on the fabric8 project is waiting for CI jobs or manually review and approval of github pull requests. We don't want to fail a pipeline, rather just wait patiently for the pull requests to merge so we can continue.
- pull request submitted
- pipeline will wait until this is merged before continuing
If CI fails and updates are required as a result of the dependency upgrade then
- pipeline will notify a chat room (we use Slack)
- informs the team of the git commands needed to clone, switch to the version update branch and command to push back once fixed
- pipeline will wait until the CI passes before continuing
name = 'fabric8io/fabric8'
prId = '1234'
These functions are focused specifically on the fabric8 release itself however could be used as examples or extended in users own setup.
The core fabric8 release consists of multiple Java projects that generate Java artifacts, docker images and kubernetes resources. These projects are built and staged together, automatically deployed into a test environment and after approval promoted together ready for the community to use.
When a project is staged an array is returned and passed around functions further down the pipeline. The structure of this stagedProject array is in the form [config.project, releaseVersion, repoId]
- config.project the name of the github project being released e.g. 'fabric8io/fabric8'
- releaseVersion the new version e.g. '0.0.1'
- repoId the OSS Sonartype staging repository Id used to interact with Sonartype later on
def stagedProject = stageProject{
project = 'fabric8io/ipaas-quickstarts'
useGitTagForNextVersion = true
One other important note is on the fabric8 project we don't use the maven release plugin or update to next SNAPSHOT versions as it causes unwanted noise and commits to our many github repos. Instead we use a fixed development x.x-SNAPSHOT
version so we can easily work in development on multiple projects that have maven dependencies with each other.
Now that we don't store the next release version in the poms we need to figure it out during the release. Rather than store the version number in the repo which involves a commit and not too CD friendly (i.e. would trigger another release just for the version update) we use the git tag
. From this we can get the previous release version, increment it and push it back without triggering another release. This seems a bit strange but it has been holding up and has significantly reduced unwanted SCM commits related to maven releases.
- releases OSS sonartype staging repository so that artifacts are synced with maven central
- commits generated Helm charts to the fabric8 Helm repo
- if useGitTagForNextVersion is set (true by default) then the next snapshot development version PR is committed
String pullRequestId = promoteArtifacts {
projectStagingDetails = config.stagedProject
project = 'fabric8io/fabric8'
useGitTagForNextVersion = true
helmPush = false
- promotes artifacts from OSS sonartype staging repo to maven central
- promotes images from internal docker registry to dockerhub
- waits for github pull request to merge if updating next snapshot version (not used by default)
- waits for artifacts to be synced and available in maven central
- sends chat notification when artifacts appear in maven central
stagedProject = project
useGitTagForNextVersion = true
helmPush = false
groupId = 'io.fabric8.archetypes'
githubOrganisation = 'fabric8io'
artifactIdToWatchInCentral = 'archetypes-catalog'
artifactExtensionToWatchInCentral = 'jar'
- takes a list of external images not built by the CD pipeline which need tagging in dockerhub with the new release version
- pulls the latest images from dockerhub
- tags them with the new fabric8 release
- stages them in the internal docker registry
stageExtraImages {
images = ['gogs','jenkins','taiga']
tag = releaseVersion
- builds and stages a fabric8 java project with OSS sonartype
- build docker images and stages them in the internal docker registry
- stages extra images not built by docker-maven-plugin in the internal docker registry
def stagedProject = stageProject{
project = 'fabric8io/ipaas-quickstarts'
useGitTagForNextVersion = true
- will pull external images which have been staged in the fabric8 docker registry and push the new tag to dockerhub
images = ['gogs','jenkins','taiga']
tag = releaseVersion
- tags the current git repo with the provided version
- pushes the tag to the remote repository
releaseVersion = '0.0.1'
Deploys the staged fabric8 release to a remote OpenShift cluster
NOTE in order for images to be found by the the remote OpenShift instance it must be able to pull images from the staging docker registry. Noting private networks and insecure-registry flags.
url = openshiftUrl
domain = 'staging'
stagingDockerRegistry = openshiftStagingDockerRegistryUrl
Deploys the staged fabric8 release to a remote Kubernetes cluster
NOTE in order for images to be found by the the remote OpenShift instance it must be able to pull images from the staging docker registry. Noting private networks and insecure-registry flags.
url = kubernetesUrl
defaultNamespace = 'default'
stagingDockerRegistry = kubernetesStagingDockerRegistryUrl