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Alpha 3 test checklist

Ben Clark edited this page Nov 8, 2022 · 13 revisions

Key: 🐛 is for a known bug that we still need to fix prior to getting this release out the door. Should also link out to issues created. 🚢 is for an issue whose bug as been squashed. Ship it! ⚠️ is for things we need to retest/look at some more.

Test Suite passes

Bundle size

Inspect and compare bundle sizes and ensure:

  • No imports are double-included
  • No bundled dependencies are unexpectedly large

#Keyboard Shortcuts



  • Arrow keys pan the map ↓, ↑, ←, →
  • + Arrow keys pan the map more
  • + and - keys zoom in and out
  • ⌥ - and ⌥ + zoom the map more
  • L zooms to location
    • ⚠️ Did this get removed? I don't see it in the help anymore. The 'Show My Location' button does work though.

Display Options

  • B Toggles the imagery pane

  • ⌘+B switches to last background

  • , switches to previous background in list

  • . switches to next background in list

  • F toggles the map data pane

  • I toggles the validation issues pane

  • P Toggles the user preferences pane

  • ⌃Ctrl + ⌘Cmd + F or F11 switch to full screen mode

    • Still need to test F11, other shortcut works.
  • ` key or ² toggles the sidebar

  • W toggles wireframe mode

  • ⌥ W toggles OSM data on/off

  • / toggles the minimap on/off

  • g highlights unsaved edits

    • Known Issue- stretch goal #509
  • Shift + R Toggles rapid features on/off


  • H toggles help
  • ? toggles keyboard shortcuts

Selecting Features

  • l-click, tap, or space selects a feature
  • shift + l-click selects multiple
    • 🐛 , but Bryan is actively working on fixing highlighting, hover, selections, etc: #635
  • shift+ l-click + drag draws a lasso selection around features
    • Known issue: stretch goal #531
  • ⌘ F finds features matching search text

With features selected

  • Right-click or long press or menu button (space bar) toggles the edit menu
  • Z zooms to the selected features

With node selected

  • [ or ↖ PgUp jump to previous node
  • ] or ↘ PgDown jump to next node
  • { or ⇞ Home jump to first node
  • } or ⇟ End jump to last node
  • ⌘ ↑ selects parent way
  • \ or Pause switches parent way

With Way Selected

  • ⌘ ↓ selects child nodes
    • Should double check this once #634 is fixed.



  • 1 Add Point mode
  • 2 Add Line mode
  • 3 Add Area mode
  • N Add Note mode
    • 🚢 Adding new note doesn't work #636 Fixed!
    • 🚢 Shortcut key doesn't enter new note mode #637 Fixed!
  • l-click, tap, or Spacebar should add a point or note while in this mode
  • ⌥ Option holding should disable point snapping
  • ↵Return or ⎋Esc should finish drawing a line or area


  • ⌘ Cmd + C copies selected feature

  • 🐛 ⌘ Cmd + V pastes selected feature

    • 🐛 Copying and Pasting don't work #638
  • ⌘ Cmd + Z Undoes last edit

  • ⌘ Cmd + ⇧ Shift + Z Redoes last edit

  • ⌘ Cmd + S saves changes to OSM

RapiD AI-Assist

  • A adds the selected rapid feature
  • D ignores the selected feature


  • A continues a line at the selected endpoint
    • 🐛 Using the 'A' shortcut doesn't work #639
  • C combines (merges) selected features
  • D disconnects the selected features
  • E extracts a point from a feature ⚠️ not sure how to test this feature. How is this supposed to work?
  • X splits features at the selected points
  • v reverses the selected features
  • [m] m moves the selected features
  • ⇧Shift + ↓, ↑, ←, → nudge the feature by a small amount #525
  • ⌥Option ⇧Shift + ↓, ↑, ←, → nudge the feature by a lot #525

🐛 ⚠️ these don't work! Moving something can only be done with the mouse. Can't remember if this was intentional functionality deprecation or not.

  • ⇧Shift + + or - scales the feature #526
  • ⌥Option⇧Shift + + or - scales the feature #526
  • R rotates the selected features
  • Q squares the corners of a line or area
  • S straightens the line or group of points
  • O circularizes a closed line or area
  • T flips features across the long axis
  • `Y flips features across the shorter axis
  • ⌘Cmd + ⌫Delete deletes the selected feature
  • ⇧Shift + C cycles the road tag preset for a way



  • ⌘Cmd + I Toggles all information panels
  • ⌘Cmd + ⇧Shift + B Toggles Background panel
  • ⌘Cmd + ⇧Shift + H Toggles History panel
  • ⌘Cmd + ⇧Shift + L Toggles Location panel
  • ⌘Cmd + ⇧Shift + M Toggles Measurement panel



  • Clicking an empty map area creates a new node.
  • Clicking on an existing vertex creates a new node.
  • After node creation, the 'tag this feature' dialog appears in the sidebar, prompting the user to classify the feature.
  • Directional points show their facing with viewfield cones


All new nodes

  • Creating a new way works by just mouse clicking from point to point, ending by clicking the same point twice.

  • History undo/redo for previous looks good and does not have 'extra' states in it.

  • Same, but with clicking the FIRST point to close the way.

  • History undo/redo for previous looks good and does not have 'extra' states in it.

  • Hitting ESC can end the draw mode.

  • History undo/redo for previous looks good and does not have 'extra' states in it.

Combination of new / existing vertices / points

  • Creating a new way works by just mouse clicking from point to point, ending by clicking the same point twice.

  • History undo/redo for previous looks good and does not have 'extra' states in it.

  • Same, but with clicking the FIRST point to close the way.

  • History undo/redo for previous looks good and does not have 'extra' states in it.

  • Hitting ESC can end the draw mode.

  • History undo/redo for previous looks good and does not have 'extra' states in it.

New way from ONLY existing vertices / points

  • Creating a new way works by just mouse clicking from point to point, ending by clicking the same point twice.

  • History undo/redo for previous looks good and does not have 'extra' states in it.

  • Same, but with clicking the FIRST point to close the way.

  • History undo/redo for previous looks good and does not have 'extra' states in it.

  • Hitting ESC can end the draw mode.

  • History undo/redo for previous looks good and does not have 'extra' states in it.


All new nodes

  • Creating a new area works by just mouse clicking from point to point, ending by clicking the first point twice.

  • History undo/redo for previous looks good and does not have 'extra' states in it.

  • Hitting ESC can end the draw mode, auto-closing the area.

  • History undo/redo for previous looks good and does not have 'extra' states in it.

Combination of new / existing vertices / points

  • Creating a new area works by just mouse clicking from point to point, ending by clicking the first point twice.

  • History undo/redo for previous looks good and does not have 'extra' states in it.

  • Same as previous creation test, but instead of clicking on the first node, hit ESC to end the draw mode.

  • History undo/redo for previous looks good and does not have 'extra' states in it.

New area from ONLY existing vertices / points

  • Creating a new area works by just mouse clicking from point to point, ending by clicking the same point twice.

  • History undo/redo for previous looks good and does not have 'extra' states in it.

  • Same, but with clicking the FIRST point to close the area.

  • History undo/redo for previous looks good and does not have 'extra' states in it.

  • Hitting ESC can end the draw mode.

  • History undo/redo for previous looks good and does not have 'extra' states in it.


Get through all steps without help

  • Welcome
  • Navigation
  • Points
  • Areas
  • Ways
  • Buildings
  • Rapid
  • Finish