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New MySQL RocksDB Server Status

Herman Lee edited this page Mar 17, 2017 · 1 revision

New server status codes returned by mysqld in the Facebook branch by the new MyRocks storage engine:

  • HA_ERR_ROCKSDB_UNIQUE_NOT_SUPPORTED = (HA_ERR_LAST+1) --> returned when unique indexes are not supported

  • HA_ERR_ROCKSDB_PK_REQUIRED = (HA_ERR_LAST+2) --> returned when the table must have a PRIMARY KEY

  • HA_ERR_ROCKSDB_TOO_MANY_LOCKS = (HA_ERR_LAST+3) --> returned when the number of locks held reached @@rocksdb_max_row_locks

New server status codes returned by mysqld in the Facebook branch by MySQL with InnoDB storage engine:

  • HA_ERR_TMP_TABLE_MAX_FILE_SIZE_EXCEEDED = 192 --> returned when on-disk temp table is too large

  • HA_ERR_FAILED_TO_LOCK_REC_NOWAIT = 193 --> returned when failed to lock a record and didn't wait

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