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Releases: facebookresearch/EasyComDataset

EasyCom Dataset v1.0.0

24 Jun 03:54
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The EasyCom dataset v1.0.0

Download on Mac OS and Linux

Make sure pigz and wget are installed:

# on Mac OS
brew install wget pigz
# on Ubuntu
sudo apt-get install pigz

Run the following directly in a terminal to download the dataset.

for i in {1..33}; do wget --directory-prefix=${HOME}/EasyComDataset/ --continue$(printf "%03d" $i); done;
cat ${HOME}/EasyComDataset/EasyComDataset.tar.gz.??? | unpigz | tar -xvC ${HOME}/EasyComDataset/

The dataset will be downloaded to ~/EasyComDataset/.

Download on Windows

Run the following directly in PowerShell to download the dataset.

$downPath = $HOME + "\Downloads\EasyComDataset"; `
$releaseUrl = ""; `
mkdir $downPath -ea 0; `
if (Test-Path $downPath"\EasyComDataset.tar.gz" -PathType Leaf){ `
    throw "EasyComDataset.tar.gz already exists, please delete it and try again." } `
Write-Output "Downloading parts ..."; `
for ($i=1; $i -le 33; $i++){ `
    cmd /c $("""(cd /d """+$downPath+""" && curl -C - --retry 10 --retry-all-errors -L -O "+$releaseUrl+"/v1.0.0/EasyComDataset.tar.gz.{0:d3})""" -f $i); if($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0){throw "Error downloading part."}}`
Write-Output "Merging parts ..."; `
cmd /c copy /b $downPath"\EasyComDataset.tar.gz.*" $downPath"\EasyComDataset.tar.gz"; if($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0){throw "Error merging parts."} `
Write-Output "Extracting contents ..."; `
cd $downPath; cmd /c tar -xvzf $downPath"\EasyComDataset.tar.gz"; if($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0){throw "Error extracting contents."} `
Write-Output "Deleting archive ..."; `
Remove-Item $downPath"\EasyComDataset.tar.gz"; `
Write-Output $("Success! Files are located at: "+$downPath);

The dataset will be downloaded to the current users Downloads folder under a subfolder called EasyComDataset. Open the location by running start $HOME"\Downloads\EasyComDataset" in PowerShell.