Our website is a tourist guide for Hebron. It provides some services for Hebron new visitors. These services include showing the must-see places in hebron and their ratings. in addition to provide them with a list of most famous tourist guides for hebron tours. Moreover, the tourist can see a list of most common used words in arabic and their pronounciation to help tourists to communicate in the places they go.
As a user, I should be able to see a start page containing a button redirect me to the home page.
As a user, I should be able to see a home page :
- containing some information and video about the Hebron.
- button redirects me to must-see places.
- menu contains all the features of the website.
- As a user, if I clicked on to discover places button or choose places from the menu, I should be able to:
- see must-see places in Hebron, and filter them depends on cultural, religious, Historical and entertainment.
- click a ‘get directions button’ which redirects me to google maps.
- click on the place i want and then get a page containing more details, reviews.
- click add review button to review the place. If I am not logged in a pop-up window appears to enter the login credentials which also has a signup button to redirect me to the signup page if I'm not registered yet.
- As a user, if I choose a guide from the menu, I should be able to:
- see a list of all guides, and filter them depends on languages they talk.
- click on the guide card to redirect to the guide profile to see more details and information about guide.
- click add review button to review the guide. If I am not logged in a pop-up window appears to enter the login credentials which also has a signup button to redirect me to the signup page if I'm not registered yet.
- As a user, if I choose Arabic words from the menu, I should be able to to see a list of a commonly used word in Arabic with their pronunciatio
- Clone the project repo.
- cd the project.
- Run
npm i
in the terminal. - create database.
- Run
npm start
in terminal to run the website.