Releases: facontidavide/PlotJuggler
New release :)
What's Changed
- fix(snap_core22): ros-humble-dataspeed-dbw-msgs has been removed by @Guillaumebeuzeboc in #978
- [ROS-O] drop broken test hook from Fast-CDR import by @v4hn in #986
- udp_server: fix crash when dialog opens for the first time by @trnila in #1002
- Windows Installer: Added ability to detect and uninstall existing installations when detected by @Jofkos in #995
- Fix MQTT plugin (#1006, #1008) by @Valle125 in #1009
New Contributors
3.9.1: Bug fixes and more
- embed zstd added (1.5.5)
- updated lz4 updated to 1.9.4
- PlotJuggler with Fast-CDR-2.x.x (
#932 <>
_) - fix an important bug in ROS2 parser, that prevented special messages from being identified.
- fix
#935 <>
_ and#934 <>
_ - Add Sample Count to transforms
- fix compilation in Windows
Contributors: Davide Faconti, Manuel Valch
3.9.0: "Quick reload" button and more
Quick file reload button
Repeat the last Load File operation, without triggering a popup Dialog.
Fast and straightforward to use!
ULOG improvements
Not the parameters are store as 1 sample timeseries in PlotJuggler and are therefore accessible in the Lua.
Feature sponsored by
Transform widgets will now retain the last value
I found myself changing those parameters by hand too many time and I am sure the same happened to you
Fix JointState messages in ROS
See pull request #927
Offer a parameter in Preferences to ignore numerical truncation
DANGER: use it at your own risk. Read the discussion here #929
3.8.8: Fix diagnostic messages in ROS...
... and some other changes
3.8.7: New "Add prefix" checkbox and Noetic parsing fix
Recently I have found myself comparing multiple rosbags / MCAPS a lot.
It was always possible to do this, selecting multiple files in the dialog, but I realized that if it is cumbersome if only one of the two files changed and you want to reload that only.
With the addition of the checkbox below, you can now do the same, even when loading files one by one.
When checked, you will be able to add a prefix to the loaded timeseries and the dialog asking if you want to delete the previous ones will be skipped.
3.8.6: Fix recent issues with ROS parsers
3.8.4: Fixed that damn "Crash when loading layout" bug
3.8.3: Data Tamer support and simplified ROS plugins
The main change introduced in this release is the support for DataTamer, a library that makes recording data in your application easy and efficient.
The best way to use DataTamer and PlotJuggler is using MCAP files, but more options will be shared soon (ROS topics should work soon).
Also, we removed the redundant code between PlotJuggler and the ROS plugins (version 2.0+ should be used in the future).
3.7.1 Sorry about that
fixing a critical bug introduced in 3.7.0