What's the World Factbook?
The World Factbook [1][2] published by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) offers free country profiles in the public domain (that is, no copyright(s), no rights reserved).
"code" varchar(255) NOT NULL,
"name" varchar(255) NOT NULL,
-- Geography
"area" integer,
"area_land" integer,
"area_water" integer,
-- People and Society
"population" integer,
"population_growth" float,
"birth_rate" float,
"death_rate" float,
"migration_rate" float,
... )
(Source: factbook.sql)
Find the ten largest countries by area:
SELECT name, area FROM facts ORDER BY area DESC LIMIT 10;
Resulting in:
Russia | 17_098_242
Canada | 9_984_670
United States | 9_826_675
China | 9_596_960
Brazil | 8_515_770
Australia | 7_741_220
European Union | 4_324_782
India | 3_287_263
Argentina | 2_780_400
Kazakhstan | 2_724_900
Find the ten largest countries by population:
SELECT name, population FROM facts ORDER BY population DESC LIMIT 10;
Resulting in:
World | 7_256_490_011
China | 1_367_485_388
India | 1_251_695_584
European Union | 513_949_445
United States | 321_368_864
Indonesia | 255_993_674
Brazil | 204_259_812
Pakistan | 199_085_847
Nigeria | 181_562_056
Bangladesh | 168_957_745
And so on.
Download a copy of a pre-build single-file SQLite database, that is, factbook.db
See the release page.
Use the factbook
command line tool and scripts for building your own up-to-date copy. Example:
require 'factbook'
adapter: 'sqlite3',
database: './factbook.db'
ActiveRecord::Base.logger = Logger.new( STDOUT )
ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection( DB_CONFIG )
Factbook::CreateDb.new.up ## create tables
importer = Factbook::Importer.new
Factbook.codes.each do |code|
puts "Fetching #{code.code}- #{code.name}..."
page = Factbook::Page.new( code.code )
puts "Adding #{code.code}- #{code.name}..."
importer.import( page )
puts "Done."
Send them along to the Open World Database (world.db) and Friends Forum/Mailing List. Thanks!