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React Template

This has some basic tools and dependencies which can be used when creating a React app. Feel free to contact Tobias Tykvart with any questions when creating a new repository from this template

Getting Started

  1. Create a new repository with this one as a template.
  2. Clone the repository.
  3. Install Node JS. The Node Package Manager npm is used to install all dependencies and runs the development server to display checkit locally in the browser.
  4. npm install within the repository folder. This installs all dependencies.
  5. Use Emotion for styling, it is already installed and ready to go. Use the css prop to style elements.
  6. Run npm start:dev to start the json-server and dev web server and visit localhost:4000 in your browser to see the app.
  7. Recommended code editor and useful plugins:


Check for explanations of all the packages we are using. These are installed automatically (see "Getting Started": step 4).

  • Material UI provides template React components (@material-ui/icons).


  • npm start:dev runs all commands necessary for development, or you can run them individually:
  • npm start to start the development server locally. It should show 'Hello World' in the browser.
  • npm run server serves server/db.json locally to mock APIs


  • npm test to run all tests (should pass HelloWorld.test). Or use npm run test:watch to run tests continually on any file change.
  • npm run deploy produces an optimized production build in the branch "gh-pages" and publishes the website on GitHub Pages.
  • npm run build produces an optimized production build in the folder "build" which can be published in other ways.


  • Tobias Tykvart - Front End