ngtop is a command-line program to query request counts from nginx's access.log files.
$ ngtop url user_agent --since 1d --where url=/blog/% --where status=200 --limit 5
/blog/deconstructing-the-role-playing-videogame/ Safari 120
/blog/on-ai-assistance/ Go-http-client 101
/blog/a-note-on-essential-complexity/ Safari 91
/blog/deconstructing-the-role-playing-videogame/ Chrome 84
/blog/from-rss-to-my-kindle/ Safari 79
Download the latest release binary for your platform, for example:
$ wget \
-O ngtop && chmod +x ngtop && mv ngtop /usr/local/bin
Alternatively, install with go:
$ go install
Count requests from the last hour:
$ ngtop --since 1h
$ ngtop -s 1h
$ ngtop
Count requests from the last second, minute, day, week, or month:
$ ngtop -s 1s
$ ngtop -s 1m
$ ngtop -s 1d
$ ngtop -s 1w
$ ngtop -s 1M
Count requests from the day before:
$ ngtop --since 2d --until 1d
$ ngtop -s 2d -u 1d
Show the top 5 urls in the last hour:
$ ngtop url
$ ngtop path
Show the top 5 urls in the last minute:
$ ngtop url -s 1m
Show the top 10 urls in the last hour:
$ ngtop url --limit 10
$ ngtop url -l 10
Count total requests to a specific url in the last hour:
$ ngtop --where url=/blog/code-is-run-more-than-read
$ ngtop --where path=/blog/code-is-run-more-than-read
$ ngtop -w url=/blog/code-is-run-more-than-read
Count total requests to urls matching a pattern:
$ ngtop -w url=/blog/%
Count total requests to urls excluding a value or pattern:
$ ngtop -w url!=/feed.xml
$ ngtop -w url!=/feed%
Count total requests to one of mutliple urls (one OR another):
$ ngtop -w url=/blog/code-is-run-more-than-read -w url=/blog/a-note-on-essential-complexity
Count total requests to a specific urls AND referer:
$ ngtop -w url=/blog/code-is-run-more-than-read -w
Show the top visited urls matching a pattern:
$ ngtop url -w url=/blog/%
Show the top requesting ips:
$ ngtop ip
Show the top url visits by ip:
$ ngtop url -w ip=
Show the top user agents by url:
$ ngtop user_agent -w url=/blog/code-is-run-more-than-read
$ ngtop ua -w url=/blog/code-is-run-more-than-read
Show the top urls by user agent details (parsed with mileusna/useagent):
$ ngtop url -w ua=Firefox
$ ngtop url -w ua_type=bot
$ ngtop url -w device=iPhone
$ ngtop url -w os=Linux
Show the top referers for a url pattern:
$ ngtop referer -w url=/blog/%
Show the top user agent and referer combination
$ ngtop ua referer
Show the top user agent and referer combination for a specific url
$ ngtop ua referer -w url=/blog/code-is-run-more-than-read
Count total 404 status responses:
$ ngtop -w status=404
Count non successful responses:
$ ngtop status -w status=4% -w status=5%
- Whenever the program is run, it looks for the nginx access.logs, parses them and stores the data into an SQLite DB.
- By default, the logs are looked up at
, which can be overridden with theNGTOP_LOGS_PATH
environment variable. - By default, the logs are assumed to have the nginx combined log format. The format can be customized with
.- This could likely be made to work with non nginx logs, although that hasn't been tested.
- Subsequent runs of the program only parse and store the logs up until the time of the previous run.
- The SQLite DB is stored at
, which can be overridden with theNGTOP_DB
environment variable.
- By default, the logs are looked up at
- The command line arguments express a filtering criteria, used to build the SQL query that counts the requests.
- For instance, the command
ngtop url -w url=/blog/%
produces:SELECT path,count(1) '#reqs' FROM access_logs WHERE time > ? AND time < ? AND (path LIKE ?) GROUP BY 1 ORDER BY count(1) DESC LIMIT 5
- For instance, the command
The command-line arguments and flags are intended exclusively to express a requests count query. The configuration, which isn't expected to change across command invocations, is left to environment variables:
: path pattern to find the nginx access logs. Defaults to/var/log/nginx/access.log*
. The pattern is expanded using Go'spath/filepath.Glob
: The nginx log_format specification to parse the log entries. By default combined logs are assumed, which is equivalent to:NGTOP_LOG_FORMAT='$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] "$request" $status $body_bytes_sent "$http_referer" "$http_user_agent"'
: when set, internal logs will be printed to standard output.NGTOP_DB
: location of the SQLite db where the parsed logs are stored. Defaults to./ngtop.db