Please use the latest enhanced version of CAT based on our recent paper "A simple and practical adaptive trust-region method."
This package is the implementation of a consistently adaptive trust-region method (called CAT) for finding stationary points of nonconvex functions with L-Lipschitz Hessians and bounded optimality gap.
Install Julia 1.6.0 or later. From the root directory of the repository, run:
$ julia --project=scripts -e 'import Pkg; Pkg.instantiate()'
Validate setup by running the unit tests:
$ julia --project=scripts test/run_tests.jl
The full tables of results can be found under the results directory
To test our solver on learning linear dynamical system, please use the script:
To see the meaning of each argument:
$ julia --project=scripts scripts/solve_learning_problem.jl --help
Here is a simple example:
$ julia --project=scripts scripts/solve_learning_problem.jl --output_dir ./scripts/benchmark/results/learning_problem --d 3 --T 5 --σ 0.1 --instances 5
To test our solver on matrix completion problem, please use the script:
To see the meaning of each argument:
$ julia --project=scripts scripts/solve_matrix_completion.jl --help
Here is a simple example:
$ julia --project=scripts scripts/solve_matrix_completion.jl --output_dir ./scripts/benchmark/results/matrix_completion --λ_1 0.001 --λ_2 0.001 --instances 5
To test our solver on CUTEst test set, please use the script:
To see the meaning of each argument:
$ julia --project=scripts scripts/solve_cutest.jl --help
Here is a simple example:
$ julia --project=scripts scripts/solve_cutest.jl --output_dir ./scripts/benchmark/results/cutest --default_problems true --solver CAT
To test our solver on the complexity hard example from Cartis paper "On the complexity of steepest descent, newton’s and regularized newton’s methods for nonconvex unconstrained optimization problems", please use the script:
To see the meaning of each argument:
$ julia --project=scripts scripts/solve_hard_example.jl --help
Here is a simple example:
$ julia --project=scripts scripts/solve_hard_example.jl --output_dir ./scripts/benchmark/results/hard_complexity_example --tol_opt 1e-3 --r_1 1.5
$ julia --project=scripts scripts/plot_CUTEst_results.jl --output_dir ./scripts/benchmark/results/cutest
$ julia --project=scripts scripts/solve_learning_problem.jl --output_dir ./scripts/benchmark/results/learning_problem --d 4 --T 50 --σ 0.01 --instances 60
$ julia --project=scripts scripts/solve_matrix_completion.jl --output_dir ./scripts/benchmark/results/matrix_completion --λ_1 0.01 --λ_2 0.01 --instances 10
$ julia --project=scripts scripts/solve_cutest.jl --output_dir ./scripts/benchmark/results/cutest --default_problems true --solver CAT
$ julia --project=scripts scripts/solve_cutest.jl --output_dir ./scripts/benchmark/results/cutest --default_problems true --solver CAT --θ 0.0
$ julia --project=scripts scripts/solve_cutest.jl --output_dir ./scripts/benchmark/results/cutest --default_problems true --solver NewtonTrustRegion
$ julia --project=scripts scripts/solve_hard_example.jl --output_dir ./scripts/benchmark/results/hard_complexity_example --tol_opt 1e-3 --r_1 1.5