Download binary release: releases
- RTSP fuzzer
- HTTP fuzzer
- HTTP headers, body regexp matching test
- random WAN IP generator
- random WAN IP port (range) scanner
- callback command support for each result
- CIDR-notation network scan in random order
IT, Liguria, Albenga - mountains, houses
ES, Murcia, Murcia - golf field
Generate 5 random wan IPs:
./gons -n 5
Netrandom find possible RTSP sources:
./gons -s rtsp
Take snapshots from RTSP stream and write source URL in metadata:
./gons -s rtsp -cb 'bash ./assets/callbacks/ "{result}" "/sdcard/Pictures/RTSP/" "{slug}"'
Scan 1024 random WAN IPs for open VNC ports:
./gons -n 1024 -s portscan -ports 5900-5902
Scan local subnet for http(s) servers:
./gons -net -s portscan -p 80,443
Scan subnet for RTSP servers:
./gons -net -s rtsp
Scan list of networks and hosts:
./gons -list city_cidrs.txt -s rtsp
cat city_cidrs.txt | ./gons -s rtsp -list -
Search for public resources over http:
./gons -s http -d ./assets/data/http-pub-paths.txt -rb "Index of"
Search for public mjpeg webcams:
./gons -s http -d ./assets/data/http-cam-paths.txt -rh "(image/jpeg|multipart/x-mixed-replace)"
Get disallowed paths in robots.txt:
./gons -s http -path /robots.txt -rb 'Disallow:\s+(\S{2,})'
You can download latest release, or build yourself:
go build
To get smaller binary:
go build -ldflags="-s -w"
go test -v ./...