Permacoop is an open source and eco design ERP solution reserved for worker-owned business.
- Node.js / Nestjs / Nunjucks
- HTML, CSS, WebComponents
- TypeORM
- PostgreSQL
- Typescript
- Jest / ts-mockito
- Docker
You must have PostgreSQL installed, or Docker and Docker Compose to run PostgreSQL using the provided docker-compose.yml
Ensure you have Node.js 16.x and node-gyp
installed globally (npm install -g node-gyp
First, install dependencies:
make install
Then start the servers, database and other services:
make start
In a separate terminal, run database migrations:
make database-migrate
Then, you can seed the database with fake data
make database-seed
This command will create the default user "John Doe" :
"email": "",
"password": "john"
The server will be available at http://localhost:3000.
To view all available commands, run:
make help
To serve the built server and client locally, run:
make build
make start-dist
To run tests, use:
make test
Run E2E tests using:
make test-e2e
To run automatic code formatting, run:
make format
To run linters and code checks, use:
make linter
To generate a migration from the current state of the code, run:
make database-migration NAME=add_some_column
- Tasks management
- Projects management
- Customers management
- Calendar (timesheets etc.)
- Human Resources
- Meal tickets
- Leaves
- Cooperators / employee
Created by Fairness