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SystemLog is an Android service developed at the Center For Embedded
Networked Sensing (CENS) to facilitates collecting logs during
deployment of mobile application. The SystemLog client runs as an
Android Service on the phone. It defines a simple interface using the
Android Interface Definition Language (AIDL). All other applications
can send their log messages to SystemLog. SystemLog will augment log
messages with information such as date and time and name of the logger
application. The log records are kept in a local SQLite database. When
SystemLog detects the phone is plugged to external power, it will
upload the log records to this server.

SystemLog is maintained by Hossein Falaki. For additional information
please contact:

SystemLog can be used both as an application logging tool and a tool
for uploading your data.

o Download and into your Android project under src/edu/ucla/cens/systemlog.

o Import the new classes in your project. (instead of android.util.Log) 
> import edu.ucla.cens.systemlog.Log;
> import edu.ucla.cens.systemlog.ISystemLog;

o Pass your application name to SystemLog with the following call in your onCreate() (You need to do this only once):
> Log.setAppName("MyApplicationName"); 
Remember this name. This is your logger name. Send this string to Hossein to get a SystemLog login.

o Bind to the SystemLog service with the following call. The place to put this call is again in the onCreate():
> bindService(new Intent(ISystemLog.class.getName()),
> Log.SystemLogConnection, Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE);

o Remember to unbind from SystemLog when your service or activity finishes (for example in onDestroy() of your service):
> unbindService(Log.SystemLogConnection);

o At any point in your code you can use the methods of the static Log class to send log messages. They are very similar to default Android Log interface.  For example:
> Log.i(TAG1, "Launched new view");
> Log.e(TAG2, "Got exception while sending data", e);
TAG1 and TAG2 can be any String tags. You can filter your log messages using these tags.

o If the SystemLog package is installed on the phone all the messages that you log will be uploaded to this server. You can access your logs and browse them using your SystemLog login.