A python script for updating lists for a simple sinkhole DNS server
I was tasked with setting up a sinkhole DNS server for my office, that can query various lists. I figured I would make something useful and simple. This is designed to work with dnsmasq, but can probably work with bind with some minor modification.
usage: simple-sinkhole.py [-h] [-c CONFIG] [-l LISTSFOLDER] [-i SINKHOLEIP]
Simple DNS sinkhole script, for use with dnsmasqd. Meant to be lightweight and
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
Config file
List config folder
Destination IP address
Hosts file
-d DATABASE, --database DATABASE
Database file
Base host file (will be at top of new hosts file)
In order to run, the script just needs a valid config file set up, some lists to download, and write access to a database and your hosts file (or a link to it). Following is a sample installation on a vanilla Ubuntu 14.04 Server installation (only installed base and openssh)
First, just get everything up to date:
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -y
sudo apt-get install dnsmasq git -y
sudo reboot
After it finishes rebooting, log in again, and:
sudo useradd -s /bin/false -r sinkhole
cd /opt
sudo git clone https://github.com/fang0654/simple-sinkhole.git
sudo mv simple-sinkhole.conf.sample /etc/simple-sinkhole.conf
sudo chown sinkhole /opt/simple-sinkhole
sudo mv /etc/hosts /etc/hosts.orig
sudo ln -s /opt/simple-sinkhole/hosts.new /etc/hosts
sudo crontab -l | { cat; echo "0 0 * * * sudo -u sinkhole /usr/bin/env python2 /opt/simple-sinkhole/simple-sinkhole.py \
-c /etc/simple-sinkhole.conf \
&& /etc/init.d/dnsmasq restart"; } | sudo crontab -
sudo -u sinkhole /usr/bin/env python2 /opt/simple-sinkhole/simple-sinkhole.py -c /etc/simple-sinkhole.conf
sudo dnsmasq restart
That should be it. It should have done an initial download, set up the hosts file, and scheduled the crontab to run every night at midnight.
The lists.d conf files are meant to be pretty simple. They are just a python dictionary, with the following possible attributes:
- source: Required - string, the source URL of the list
- regex: Required - string, A python regex that'll match the domain in the list. If you need help, check out pythex.org
- prelines: int, number of lines to skip at the beginning
- pre: string, A line of text denoting the start of the domain entries
- post: string, A line of text denoting the end of the domain entries
You can look in the couple of conf files I built under lists.d to see how they are used.