A slack bot for engineering teams (to get various stats and perform team related actions).
Things it does:
- Create a Slack app
- An 'Assemble' function (that posts a DM message to the team)
- Bat signal - A user can signal 'I need help' and the bot will post it in the team channel.
- Add an option to 'introduce yourself' to someone (and tag them)
- Post a funny quote when someone uses a predefined keyword (SSO/team member)
- Add a command to 'say hi'
- Status command (to see if the bot is alive)
- A command to return all team specific help desk tickets (a parameter to include the last comment for each / another command to get the details for a ticket)
- Get monitoring / push notifications for flaky tests?
- Comment on a thread when someone tags the team Slack group (except for specific channels) / Instead maybe capture it in the team's asks channel
- See all pull requests that the team has been asked to review?
- Add a command to 'who should I talk to in case of emergency?' (Who's the oncall team member ATM)
- Announce a feature - Publish some info about a team feature?
- Get stats on team channels (how many asks we got during X timeframe, how many we've checked off, what is still open)
- Tasks Management System Integration - Sprint progress tracking, tasks assignment, alerting on not meeting our sprint goals?
- Connect to our KPIs
- Team asks channel - expand to get historical data and stats per months
- Team asks channel -If there is a PR that we've been asked to review, the bot will see if the PR is approved and if so will put a checked sign? (Need to be careful of false positives)
- Before responding, verify that the person talking to the bot is a team member?
- Make it configurable as possible (so that can later be used by others as well)
- Add the app permission to custom the sending user details and support providing the bot name / icon via config
- Resolve Slack ids on initialization
- Provide a way to 'reload' dynamic in memory data (config, ids)
- Healthcheck endpoint (in preparation to being deployed on a docker)