Developed for s.r.o. <>
Django app to integrate GoPay into your project.
I implemented just a part of the API:
- paymentStatus
- paymentMethodList
- createPayment
Feel free to add other parts!
pip install
Add gopay into installed_apps and set these parameters:
GOPAY_DOMAIN = "http://<your domain>"
GOPAY_GOID = <your go id> # should be integer
GOPAY_FAILED_URL = <success url>
GOPAY_SUCCESS_URL = <failed url>
GOPAY_SECRET_KEY = <your secret key>
GOPAY_TEST_GW = <True or False>
GOPAY_LANG = <lang>
GOPAY_PAYMENT_CHANNELS = ["cz_gp_u", "cz_gp_w", "cz_rb", "cz_vb", "cz_kb", "cz_cs_c", "cz_mb", "cz_fb", "cz_ge"]
Add this somewhere into your urls.
url(r'^gopay/', include('gopay4django.urls')),
If you don't know what codes you can use, try:
python payment_channels
When user comes back from GoPay to your site, this app handle the request and decide where will be user redirected. If all goes well, GOPAY_SUCCESS_URL will be used, otherwise GOPAY_FAILED_URL. There is also parametr payment_uuid to get payment data from Payment model.
gopay = GoPay()
url = gopay.create_payment(
productName = "Jméno produktu",
totalPrice = 1000,
currency = "CZK",
firstName = "Adam,
lastName = "Štrauch",
city = "Hradec Králové",
street = "Ve Stromovce 123",
postalCode = "50011",
countryCode = "CZE",
email = "",
p1="some data",
name="Some name, anything what can help you identify payment in administration"
Method create_payment() returns URL to redirect to GoPay payment gateway. After everything is done on gateway, user comes back to GOPAY_FAILED_URL or GOPAY_SUCCESS_URL.
GoPay sends notifications if something changes (for ex. payment is paid). When it happens, it save new payment status to database, returns 200 to GoPay gateway and sends signal payment_changed which you can catch and do something with it. Here is some example:
from gopay4django.signals import payment_changed
def payment_changed_callback(sender, **kwargs):
payment = kwargs.get("payment")
print "Payment %s changed status to %s" % (payment.uuid, payment.state)
Payment model is ordinary model, but has two jsons fields, which you can access as dict.
- Payment.payment_command
- Payment.payment_status
For example:
payment = Payment.objects.all()[0]
payment.payment_status.get("sessionState") # returns state of payment
payment.payment_status.get("p1") # returns optinal paramete p1 (integration manual)
payment.payment_status.get("p2") # returns optinal paramete p2 (integration manual)