This branch of Scaffold-Eth facilitates interaction with Gitcoin Passports in your dapp.
In this package, the Gitcoin Passport SDK is wrapped with React components to provide a simple dapp interface.
See Quick Start below if you want to get started using Gitcoin Passport in your dapp.
This package can also be used simply to learn about Passport scoring.
For your convenience, there is a hosted version here.
This app is hosted in GitHub Pages and can be accessed here. This is a great resource to see how passports and scoring work before cloning this repo to build your dapp. Work with the passport on the first tab and configure scoring parameters on the second tab.
After experimenting with the hosted demo, you can create your own app with Gitcoin Passport in a few simple steps:
- Clone this repo
- Set your approvedStamps and approvalThreshold where SinginPassport is created in App.js
- Call usePassport to check if the passport is approved wherever needed
Step 2: Setting stamps and threshold (line 313 in App.js)
provider: "Github",
score: 0.5,
issuer: "did:key:z6MkghvGHLobLEdj1bgRLhS4LPGJAvbMA1tn2zcRyqmYU5LC",
provider: "Twitter",
score: 0.5,
issuer: "did:key:z6MkghvGHLobLEdj1bgRLhS4LPGJAvbMA1tn2zcRyqmYU5LC",
provider: "Google",
score: 0.5,
issuer: "did:key:z6MkghvGHLobLEdj1bgRLhS4LPGJAvbMA1tn2zcRyqmYU5LC",
Step 3: Checking approval
function ApprovedOnlyFeature(props){
const { approved } = usePassport();
return (
{ approved && <MyApprovedOnlyComponent /> }
To interact with a Gitcoin Passport, first use the PassportProvider at the top level
import { PassportProvider } from "./hooks/usePassport";
function App(props){
return (
/* Your App code */
Then call usePassport wherever you want to initiate sign-in or check approval
import { usePassport } from "../hooks/usePassport";
function MyComponent(props){
const passport = usePassport();
return (
/* Your Code */
The object returned by usePassport conforms to the following:
activate: (
address: string,
// read|verify|score
mode: string,
// The following only for mode="score"
acceptedStamps: [{
provider: string,
score: float,
issuer: string
) => Promise<void>
deactivate: () => void
// True when successfully connected
active: boolean,
// String read|verify|score when loading, null otherwise
pending: string | null,
// True after successful verification/scoring
verified: boolean,
// Calculated score
score: float,
// True after successful scoring
scored: boolean,
// True if score is greater than threshold
approved: boolean,
// String error message on error, null otherwise
error: string | null,
// True if passport is missing for this address
missing: boolean,
This example shown two components. The first is a button which triggers score calculation. The second is a component which is only rendered when the user is approved.
function SignInPassportButton(props){
const { activate } = usePassport();
return (
<button onclick={ () =>
mode: "score",
address: {props.address},
acceptedStamps: [
provider: "Github",
score: 0.5,
// Note: this is the production Gitcoin Passport issuer DID
issuer: "did:key:z6MkghvGHLobLEdj1bgRLhS4LPGJAvbMA1tn2zcRyqmYU5LC",
provider: "Twitter",
score: 0.5,
issuer: "did:key:z6MkghvGHLobLEdj1bgRLhS4LPGJAvbMA1tn2zcRyqmYU5LC",
provider: "Google",
score: 0.5,
issuer: "did:key:z6MkghvGHLobLEdj1bgRLhS4LPGJAvbMA1tn2zcRyqmYU5LC",
// User will be approved at or above this score
approvalThreshold: {1},
Sign In with Gitcoin Passport
function ApprovedOnlyFeature(props){
const { approved } = usePassport();
return (
{ approved && <MyApprovedOnlyComponent /> }
Scoring is based on the provided list of stamp criteria:
provider: string,
issuer: string,
score: float
Provider is the name of a stamp provider, such as "Github" or "Twitter"
Issuer is the DID of the stamp issuer. The production Gitcoin Passport issuer DID is shown above.
Score is a number that you would customize. The total score returned by the getScore function will be the total of all these individual "score"s for which the user has a verified stamp.
For example, take these stamps:
provider: "Github",
score: 0.5,
issuer: "did:key:z6MkghvGHLobLEdj1bgRLhS4LPGJAvbMA1tn2zcRyqmYU5LC",
provider: "Twitter",
score: 0.5,
issuer: "did:key:z6MkghvGHLobLEdj1bgRLhS4LPGJAvbMA1tn2zcRyqmYU5LC",
provider: "Google",
score: 0.5,
issuer: "did:key:z6MkghvGHLobLEdj1bgRLhS4LPGJAvbMA1tn2zcRyqmYU5LC",
If the user has a verified stamp for all three of these providers, their score would be 1.5. If they had only two of these stamps, they'd have a score of 1.
The user will be approved if their score exceeds the specified approval level.
In the above example, if the approval threshold were 1 then the user would need at least two stamps. If the threshold were 1.5, they'd need all three stamps.