A tiny lib for open native platform voice regonizer in react native.
provides an awesome @react-native-community/voice for reconiting voice but sometimes you don't want to create your own voice reconizer also you want a clean way and recogniting with native platform tools.
- Tiny And Clean Way. 🚀
- Native Implementation. 📈
- Easy To Use. 😍 ( only have one method )
- No
Support. 💩 ( may be add in future )
installing with yarn :
yarn add react-native-voice-recognizer
or alternativly with npm :
npm i react-native-voice-recognizer
Note : if you are using RN@>=0.60 you dont need any more enjoy RN auto-linking with npx react-native run-android
but for RN@<0.60 you need to link
with react-native link
or linking manually .
manully linking will add soon here.
first import
import VoiceRecognizer from 'react-native-voice-recognizer';
then use with then/catch ES6 syntax :
//settings are required
const locale = 'en-US'; //or for example : 'fa-IR'
const promptLabel = 'Say Something...';
//request for recognizing
VoiceRecognizer.requestVoice(locale, promptLabel)
.then(result => {
//do anything with result and enjoy
.catch(e => {
//your device does not support voice recognition
And Enjoy. 😍
Or use with async/await ES2017 feature :
const startListennig = async () => {
//settings are requires
const locale = 'en-US'; //or for example :'fa-IR'
const promptLabel = 'Say Something...'; //or anything you want
try {
const result = await VoiceRecognizer.requestVoice(locale, promptLabel);
//do anything with result and enjoy
} catch (error) {
//your device does not support voice recognition
soon add here
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
maked with ❤️ for developers.