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Daniel O'Connor edited this page May 7, 2021 · 8 revisions

Site-wide Settings

Fat Free CRM settings are stored in three places, and are loaded in the following order:

  1. config/settings.default.yml
  2. config/settings.yml (if exists)
  3. settings table in database (if exists)

Thus, any settings that your specify in config/settings.yml will override those in
config/settings.default.yml, and settings in the database table have the highest priority.

This settings arrangement offers a lot of flexibility:

  1. No manual configuration is required to start the application after installation
  2. IT administrators can set up the default configuration via settings.yml, with capistrano
  3. Admin users can simply change settings via the admin interface (NOTE: not yet implemented)

The basic work flow to change a settings is first to open the config/settings.yml file, then to change the file to update to new settings, then to restart the application to make the settings go into effect.

Available Settings and their Meaning

Base URL

Fat Free CRM uses this setting to determine where it is being served out of. Leave base_url blank if Fat Free CRM has been deployed in root URL, otherwise specify subdirectory. For example, when deployed to:

Domain :base_url: Comments "" Leave blank "" Subdomain – Leave blank “/crm” No trailing slash “/a/crm” No trailing slash


The locale determines what language Fat Free CRM is displayed in. The default locale is American English. To view available locales look in the config/locales direction, right now the following locales are available:

:locale: Language
“de” German
“en” American English
“es” Spanish
“fr” French
“ja” Japanese
“pl” Polish
“pt-BR” Portuguese
“ru” Russian
“th” Thai
“zh-CN” Chinese

Per User Locale

Per User Locale allows users to have an individually set locale, this is useful if you’re working in a multilingual team. By default individual users can’t pick their own locale and are presented with the one set in the locale option. To enable language selection in User/Profile set :per_user_locale to true.

:per_user_locale Explanation
false Users may not have a locale differing from the one set in the locale section
true Users may have a locale that is different from the default, useful in multilingual teams

User Signup

The user signup option determines whether users will be able to come to the site and signup to use your CRM.

:user_signup: Explanation
:allowed users can sign up and use the system once they have registered.
:not_allowed users can only be added by system administrator. This is the default.
:needs_approval users can sign up but must be approved before they can use the system.

Default Access

Default Access determines how data is stored. This applies to accounts, contacts, oppurtunities, and all other CRM data.

:default_access: Explanation
“Private” private access, only for the creator of the record. This is the default.
“Public” public access, share with everyone.
“Shared” shared with selected accounts, should be selected by the user.

Background Information

Specifies the names of data that should have background information displayed. By default no background information is shown. Available options are:

  • :account
  • :campaign
  • :contact
  • :lead
  • :opportunity
  • :task
:background_info: Explanation
[] No background information on any kinds of information
[:account] Background information on Accounts only
[:account, :contact] Background information on both accounts and contacts

Address Format

Stores how addresses are stored and displayed in the CRM. By default addresses are displayed as one large window where a user can enter the address info. The other option is to have discrete fields for Address 1, Address 2, City, State, Zip, Country and so on.

:compound_address: Explanation
true use separate street1, street2, city, state, zipcode, and country field.
false use single text area field to enter the entire address. This is the default.

Dropdown Calendar Format

Calendar Date Format stores how dates are stored in the database. By default a user may only choose the date. Changing this option also lets a user select the time.

:task_calendar_with_time: Explanation
true allow selecting date and time.
false allow selecting date only. This is the default.

Email Dropbox

This section contains the necessary information for the Email dropbox feature. This feature lets users email the CRM and have the information from the email stored in the CRM. To learn more about the dropbox feature, check out the Email Dropbox Page.

Main and Admin Tabs
Note: As of 0.20.0, colours for entities are now defined in CSS. To customise; simply define the model name, and your status:
.task .call  { background: black; color: white; }

In the future this section may allow tabs to be turned on and off. For now this section allows one to change the name of the tabs.

Campaign Status

This section controls the sections that available for campaign statuses. It is made up for a couple of different section. For each section, to add to the list return to the next line and space over 2, then follow the correct format. The available options are:

Section Format Notes
campaign_status: – :planned This list is the available options when choosing campaign statuses

Lead Status and Source

This section controls the sections that available for campaign lead statuses and where those leads come from- their source. It is made up for a couple of different section. For each section, to add to the list return to the next line and space over 2, then follow the correct format. The available options are:

Section Format Notes
lead_status: – :new This list is the available options when choosing lead statuses
lead_source: – :campaign This section controls the list of available lead sources

Opportunity Stage

This section controls the options that available for opportunity stages. It is made up for a couple of different section. For each section, to add to the list return to the next line and space over 2, then follow the correct format. The available options are:

Section Format Notes
opportunity_stage: – :prospecting This list is the available options when choosing opportunity stages

Task Category

This section controls the options that available for tasks. It is made up for a couple of different section. For each section, to add to the list return to the next line and space over 2, then follow the correct format. The available options are:

Section Format Notes
task_category: – :call This list is the available options when choosing what of task a user is creating
task_bucket: – :overdue List of available buckets for tasks to be sorted into
task_completed: – :completed_today List of available task completed options
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