Released on: 2022/05/03
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6513957
New data:
- Gravity ground-based data for the Bushveld Igneous Complex, Southern Africa. Includes observation heights referenced to the ellipsoid and geoid, as well as precomputed gravity disturbance and a topography-free gravity disturbance. Useful for tutorials that are broken up into parts so we don't have to start computations from observed gravity every time. (#32)
- Topography grid for Southern Africa at full ETOPO1 resolution. Pairs with the Southern Africa gravity data. (#27)
- A logo for Ensaio! (#28)
- Convert tutorials from sphinx-gallery [.py]{.title-ref} files to plain [.rst]{.title-ref} files using jupyter-sphinx (#31)
- Convert the README to Markdown (#29)
This release contains contributions from:
- Santiago Soler
- Leonardo Uieda