Beautty Theme for ZSH - OH MY ZSH - ITEMR
cd $ZSH_CUSTOM/themes
git clone
ln -s ./elsa/elsa.zsh-theme ./elsa.zsh-theme
Then set on .zshrc file
The terminal with changes shows
username / foldername / branch name / indicator on magenta with changes label and x mark
staged file and display git status:
files commited and it displays all updated message to indicate all are commited
if you want to customize the terminal like me, here's my configuration:
Color name | Value |
Foreground | #c8ebfe |
Background | #061235 |
Bold(marked) | #d3d3d3 |
Links | #005bbb |
Selection | #607c8b |
Selected text | #eceef0 |
Badge | #ff2600 (RGBA) |
Tab Color | No selected |
Underline Color | No selected |
Underline Color | No selected |
Brighten bold text | Selected |
Color name | NORMAL | BRIGHT |
Black | #143848 |
#516872 |
Red | #ff5151 |
#ff8980 |
Green | #32ff9a |
#47e182 |
Yellow | #ffd73f |
#ffe47e |
Blue | #2781a9 |
#4bc7ff |
Magenta | #ec25a8 |
#ff80ab |
Cyan | #64fcda |
#4feac7 |
White | #cfcfcf |
#fefefe |
Color name | Value |
Cursor | #00b8ff |
Cursor guide | #b3ecff Selected - 16 on Alpha |
Cursor Text | #000000 |
Smart box cursor color | No selected |
Select the window tab, apply the transparency, check Blur option, and mark Use transparency option.