A react component to scan bar codes and qr codes, it uses the zbar.wasm library in a web worker.
This uses hooks, so needs React >= 16.8
## Install
npm i react-code-scanner
const [result, setResult] = useState('');
const [facingMode, setFacingMode] = useState('environment');
return (
<div className="App">
<h1>Code Scanner</h1>
<div>Result: {result}</div>
<button onClick={() => setResult('')}>reset</button>
onClick={() =>
setFacingMode(facingMode === 'environment' ? 'user' : 'environment')
current camera: {facingMode} switch camera
onResult={res => setResult(res.map(({ value }) => value).join(', '))}
name | default | meaning |
width | 400 | the width in px of the camera view |
height | 300 | the heigth in px of the camera view |
onResult | console.log | the callback that is invoked when a code is decoded |
onError | console.error | the callback that is invoked when an error occours |
maxVideoWidth | 640 | the width in px of the image taken from the camera and passed to the scanner |
maxVideoHeight | 640 | the width in px of the image taken from the camera and passed to the scanner |
facingMode | 'environment' | this prop is used by devices with a back and a front camera and takes 2 values: 'environment' to use the back camera and 'user' to use the front camera |
codeOverlayColor | '#00ff00' | the color of the code overlay that is dispalyed when a code is recognized |
codeIndexColor | '#ff0000' | the color of the progressivo code id that is dispalyed when a code is recognized |
mirrorUserImage | true | if true the component will mirror the image when using the front camera |