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Closed Apr 12, 2024 100% complete


  • Added checks for TLS 1.3 in Security Base Data section, as well as Client-component for TLS 1.2


  • ADD CIS RHEL 9 1.0.0


  • Security Base Data redesign for better looks
  • ATAP will now notice if it is being launched from 32bit PowerShell and request user to utilize 64bit version


  • See related issues


  • Added checks for TLS 1.3 in Security Base Data section, as well as Client-component for TLS 1.2


  • ADD CIS RHEL 9 1.0.0


  • Security Base Data redesign for better looks
  • ATAP will now notice if it is being launched from 32bit PowerShell and request user to utilize 64bit version


  • See related issues

This milestone is closed.

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