An opinionated boilerplate for your Django projects.
- Env Variables Manager: Django Environ
- Package manager: Poetry
- Database: PostgreSQL
- Task Queue: Celery with Redis
- Testing: PyTest
- Logging: Sentry
- Python Code Formatter: Black
- Static File Storage: AWS S3 or Digital Ocean Spaces
- Dev Orchestration: Docker & Docker Compose
- Static File Compiler: Webpack
- JS lint: ESLint
- Style lint: Stylelint
This is a guide on how to use this repo and save hours of boring configuration.
Instead of running django-admin startproject
to start your new project, clone this repo in a directory of your choosing
git clone <new-directory>
At this point you may either
- Start a clean git repo by removing the
directory and then runninggit init
. - Receive patches and updates of this repo by modifying
and switch[remote "origin"]
for[remote "upstream"]
, and then add your ownorigin
by runninggit remote add origin <your_repo>
Following the 12 Factor App Guide, we will configure our app by setting the configuration variables in the environment. To do that, just create a file named .env
in the root of the project and django-environ will pick it up and populate our settings.
You may use the example file as a starting point:
cp .env.example .env
I'll call this database django_db
for the purposes of this guide, but you can call it whatever you want. Just watch out for careless copy-pasting.
Now run
poetry run migrate
You have two choices, either you turn every service on your own or you use docker-compose
We need to override DATABASE_URL
environment variable inside of the Docker containers to connect directly to your host machine. Create a file called .env.docker
with the following content:
- user is the user on your host machine that has access to postgres in this case.
Now we are ready to start the project.
docker-compose up
Visit and you'll see your site up and running π§ββοΈ
First of all, install pyenv so you can use the specified python version in .python-version
file. Then, install poetry, which is a package manager replacement for pip. Now install all the project's dependencies with
poetry install
Make sure you have redis-server
running and finally on 3 separate consoles run:
poetry run worker
poetry run server
cd assets
npm install
npm run dev
Visit and you'll see your site up and running π§ββοΈ
Here are a few commands that may come in handy
Command | Description |
docker ps |
List all containers (-a to include stopped) |
docker system df -v |
Display a list of all images, containers and volumes |
docker logs --follow <container_id> |
Display the logs of a container |
docker exec -it <container_id> /bin/bash |
Attach into a running container |
docker run --rm <image_name> /bin/bash |
Run a docker container based on an image and get a prompt |
docker-compose run --rm web /bin/bash |
Same as before but for services defined in docker-compose.yml |
docker-compose run --rm web /bin/bash -c 'python migrate' |
Run a management command |
These shortcuts are at your disposal:
Command | Shortcut for |
poetry run tests |
poetry run pytest tests/ |
poetry run server |
poetry run python runserver_plus |
poetry run worker |
poetry run python celery_autoreload |
poetry run shell |
poetry run python shell_plus |
poetry run makemigrations |
poetry run python makemigrations |
poetry run migrate |
poetry run python migrate |
To compile your static files, you need to have npm installed and all the local dependencies (run npm install
). Then can execute the following commands
Command | Shortcut for |
npm run dev |
webpack --mode development --env dev--watch |
npm run build_stg |
webpack --mode production --env stg |
npm run build_prod |
webpack --mode production --env prod |
npm run lint:js |
eslint js/** --fix |
npm run lint:csss |
stylelint scss/*.scss --syntax scss |
These environment variables can be provided to configure your project.
Name | Values | Default | Description |
ENV | dev, test, qa, prod | prod | Indicates in which environment the project is running on |
DEBUG | on, off | off | Run server in debug mode |
LANGUAGE_CODE | Language Identifier (RFC 3066) | en-US | List of language codes |
TIME_ZONE | Record of IANA time zone database | America/Santiago | List of timezones |
USE_I18N | on, off | on | Enable translation system |
USE_L10N | on, off | on | Enable localized formatting |
USE_TZ | on, off | on | Enable timezone aware dates in |
DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL | E-mail address | -- | Email address from which transactional emails will be sent from |
EMAIL_BACKEND | Path to backend | django.core.mail.backends.smtp.EmailBackend | The backend to use for sending emails. List of backends |
SECRET_KEY | Random string | -- | Used to provide cryptographic signing |
ALLOWED_HOSTS | List of domains | -- | Represents the host/domain names that this site can serve. |
DJANGO_DATABASE_URL | Database url | -- | Describes the database connection with a url structure. |
LOGIN_URL | Url | /login/ | Url to redirect users when login is needed |
LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL | Url | / | Url to redirect users after login in |
STATIC_URL | Url | /static/ | Url from which static files are served |
MEDIA_URL | Url | /media/ | Url from which media files are served |
STATIC_ROOT | Directory path | ${project_root}/static | Directory where all static files will be collected to |
MEDIA_ROOT | Directory path | ${project_root}/media | Directory where all uploaded files will be stored |
LOGS_ROOT | Directory path | ${project_root}/logs | Directory where all logs will be stored |
Name | Values | Default | Description |
CELERY_BROKER_URL | Database url | -- | A common value for development is to use redis://cache, but it's recommended for production to use RabbitMQ |
CELERY_TASK_ALWAYS_EAGER | on, off | off | If this is True, all tasks will be executed locally by blocking until the task returns. |
Name | Values | Default | Description |
USE_S3_STATIC_STORAGE | on, off | off | Whether or not to use S3 |
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID | str | -- | AWS Access key id |
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY | str | -- | AWS Secret access key |
AWS_STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME | str | -- | Name of S3 bucket to be used |
Name | Values | Default | Description |
USE_DEBUG_TOOLBAR | on, off | off | Enables django debug toolbar |
Name | Values | Default | Description |
LOGS_ROOT | path | -- | Path to the directory where logs are to be stored |
USE_SENTRY | on, off | off | Enables sentry |
SENTRY_DSN | string | -- | Private URL-like configuration |
Nowadays, my go-to editor is VSCode, so here's a template for .vscode/settings.json
// Editor
"editor.formatOnSave": true,
"files.exclude": {
"**/__pycache__": true,
"**/.pytest_cache": true,
"**/*.egg-info": true
// Search
"search.exclude": {
"**/.git": true,
"**/.vscode": true,
"**/node_modules": true,
"**/static": true,
"**/media": true,
"**/logs": true,
"**/tmp": true,
"**/locale": true
"search.showLineNumbers": true,
// Python
"python.venvPath": "<env_path>",
"python.envFile": "${workspaceFolder}/.env",
"python.jediEnabled": false,
// Linting
"python.linting.enabled": true,
"python.linting.pylintEnabled": true,
"python.linting.flake8Enabled": true,
"python.formatting.provider": "black",
"python.linting.pylintArgs": [
// Eslint
"eslint.options": {
"configFile": ".eslintrc.json"
"eslint.nodePath": "assets/node_modules",
"eslint.workingDirectories": ["assets/"],
"editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
"source.fixAll.eslint": true
// Stylelint
"css.validate": false,
"less.validate": false,
"scss.validate": false
To fill the python.venvPath
run poetry show -v
to see the path to your virtual environment.